Saturday, December 11, 2010

Madoff Case

This is so sad. It really doesn't sound real to me.

These suicides don't really fly very well with me...they look more like murders made to look like suicides or pacts to commit a suicide to spare someone else harm.

It doesn't seem like straight-out suicide to me.

I don't care if he sent emails that sounded troubling. Someone could have asked him to do this to prep for what was going to happen.

The form of how he was hung, by a dog leash, sounds like mob stuff to me. That's "sending a message" work, it doesn't sound like a hanging for the heck of it. If you're going to kill yourself, I would think he would have used a gun. If you really want to do it. Not many people spontaneously hang themselves and settle on a dog leash for doing it.

I have never followed him before so I don't know anything about him or the situation but it reminds me of the guy who leaned against the glass and fell out of the window. That one sounded weird to me too. And the Senator's "double suicide".

And this comes after I was blogging about the verse about how even dogs get crumbs from the master's table. It just struck me as really wrong. Twisted into something in some way.

Then all day today, someone has been targeting me as well. With the overheating and computer stuff. ALL day.

I know what I have been through and I have had people come up to me and ask me why I don't just kill myself and end it all. I've had people say most "normal people" would.

Why not? because I don't believe in suicide and I know someone or some group that has been torturing me and my son will be eventually caught.

I have faith and so should others, that things can always turn around.

I have been tortured, seen my son tortured, been falsely arrested and seen corruption and liars of all kinds. I've been cheated, betrayed, had every single thing I ever owned stolen from me. And then mocked. I've been poisoned and medicated and been refused access to a normal justice system. This is all in America.

Yeah, if anyone could have killed themself or had a good reason, it might be me.

What keeps me going is just having a small ounce of belief in God, and faith that good will somehow prevail, even if I've been smeared beyond belief.

Maybe I should have kept fasting--I don't know. I did actually. I only ate a little bit even after I broke the fast.

I still have people screwing with my email, my computer, and everything I do. It's a little better, but this is happening. I have people screwing with my cell phone calls and doing really horrible things.

If someone is going to die, I would hope it's for a very good cause--like they "outed" some of the biggest torturers. This would be a good thing to "leak". If someone died after doing some very brave or courageous thing, that upset a major system in place or some group that was terrorizing or harming innocent people, let's hope they do not die but I would hope that if they do, it's for a noble reason. Hopefully people who do this, are the kind who do not die, because we need more good people in the world.

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