Saturday, December 11, 2010

Libera (boys choir) & impression to Sanctus

I just found Libera.

I had "verily, verily" come to mind and looked up a song by Thomas Tallis that is sacred music and starts out with "verily, verily" and a Berean Baptist song based on the scripture about becoming like little children.

Then I clicked on Little Match Girl, but I don't know the story--it's by Hans Christian Anderson and it featured music by Libera.

I sort of think I have seen this clip before though. I don't know, it seems familiar.

Which led to my looking up other Libera songs and I found "Sanctus".

One impression I had, which is nothing I'm sure, was of a ballet movement that came to mind and then I was curious to click back to the page and find out if it matched what motion I had come to mind.

I was on another page while listening. So I clicked back and found that the photo which next came up sort of matched what I had imagined I would do with my arms in dance.

For example, at precisely this one intro, I suddenly saw one arm above in an arch and then moving out to the side and then the other arm in an arch and then to the side. The idea I had was of an arch or canopy movement above the head and then I clicked and saw that at this part, the video shifted from focusing on the faces of the boys to the arch of the cathedral.

If you go to the video, it was at exactly 1:00 on the video, which is when the first "Sanctus" is sung. Then at about 1:05 is when the video moves from the boys faces to the arch of the cathedral. In the "minds eye" I had this idea of what the arms would do, in ballet, at 1:00, and it was the beginning of a movement creating an arch.

I just looked up libera on wiki, and then "sanctus" on wiki and then wanted to find the lyrics in english and found this translation:

At that part, at 1:00, it is saying, "holy lord god of sabboth (hosts)
the heavens and earth are full of your glory" (just found out).

I'm stuck on this one. I keep playing it over and over.

It's really beautiful but on the other hand, I sometimes feel even more energy from worship that is full on worship with the heart set for this rather than maybe performance. Not to say all the boys are trained for performance alone. I just mean, there is a heart of worship that sometimes come through music that's not even very good, or someone who can't sing or play very well but there's something to it.

I then listened to Mahalia Jackson and then randomly ended up on this one, and it has a preface to the song "Amazing Grace". I had no idea that THIS was the history for that hymn:

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