Saturday, December 11, 2010

Violence at the Panera on 5th

I don't know who was doing it, but there was enough military being used, as I sat next to a window, to effect my heart and my eye.

I could see this time it wasn't from anything I ate but was from the effects of the other.

There was a man sitting close to me the whole time who I had a bad feeling about and there have been a few issues with this one but not other ones.

I got up and left and went to the restroom and it was immediately quit. The heating sensation quit instantly as soon as I got up and I wasn't getting up to see if it would quit, it just did.

So I am positive that it was deliberate targeting.

I have only had this happen maybe 3 times total, all the time I've been in TN (3 weeks).

This is a huge difference from having it happen almost every single day in Wenatchee. It is only because there are not as many people willing to do whatever it is.

This is why I say there has been about a 90% reduction in how often I am being targeted to be tortured. Literally. It is still happening, but it's more here and there and not all the time. I'm not trapped in it and I've found if I move, whether on the bus or in a cafe, it takes care of the problem.

And no, this wasn't "psychic" work at all. It was technology and there is a huge difference.

Psychic work which harms doesn't cause your other electronics to be affected at about the same time. Psychic work can affect electronics, yes, but no one would be focusing all their psychic work and energy on something like that when you can get a few people to just turn something on and sit close enough and then pretend you're minding your own business.

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