Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Suing the State Of Washington

I think aside for suing over what was done to my SON, who was just a baby, I'm suing the SHIT out of Washington for damaging my work opportunities and main form of income, which, prior to their criminal obstruction, was always childcare/nanny/and babysitter work.

That's just in addition to falsely arresting me on criminal charges when I never committed crimes.

They not only damaged my son and my civil rights, and haven't been held accountable, they damaged my ability to work.

This State needs to have a lawsuit aimed at them as has never been seen in the history of civil lawsuits and must be investigated for allowing others to pursue criminal activites against me which have harmed me and my son.

If I do not do it from the U.S. I swear by the name of God I will do it from another country and hold all others who obstruct justice accountable.

I am doing what I can to collect evidence to prove my employment prospects have been affected by defamation and false charges and obstruction. I could say it affects me all I like and have no evidence, but I have already started the process of collecting evidence to establish my claim.

Then I'll go to counseling for my damages. If I don't first file and get criminal reports rolling and my own law firm to take a case.

I was starting to write about some things that happened in Wenatchee online and right at that time I started having more problems and then ended up having someone sneak in some kind of medication again. I am not kidding.

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