Wednesday, December 15, 2010

For Example: Harassment by Czech?

Some of the things I haven't written about...not criminal but strange to me...

I visited an old acquaintance from a long time ago and never knew what she thought of me for sure bc I had heard she believed her husband had a thing with me (which wasn't true even though we worked together in some ways).

After this, I never heard from them and it was sort of cold shoulder after but I hoped things would be different when I went to visit and I made sure she knew nothing was the case.

She was then in Walla Walla and living with someone downstairs and the guy, I swear looked Norwegian to me but he said he was Czech.

It was very strange. References were made about Kate and William and this was before any engagement announcement and the Czech guy acted sort of intimidated or afraid of me and I didn't know why. Both he and his wife were supposed to be christians. I think they'd done work in missions in S. Africa for several years. They both did overseas mission work and if I remember right, reconnected at one of the trips and then got married. He'd done a lot of traveling.

They turned on the Princess Diaries after giving me a coat that matched the one of some snobbish woman that was featured in the short clip I saw. It was the only part I saw, of the movie.

So I took the coat and have sort of been a laughingstock since but tried to ignore it. I didn't get rid of the coat even though others didn't realize I was "in" on their little joke. I have worn it ever since. And I remembered something from the clip about a scarf and knew taking a scarf I was given, to go with it, made a "match" even more exact, but I took it and I've worn it.

What was disappointing was why anyone would try to influence old acquaintances or have them involved in any way. And then why was that one guy so interested in me?

This was when, after feeling mocked and put down, I grabbed a book out of the stack and opened up to, and read aloud, as this "Czech" guy let out a big body twitch or jerk, "Hmmm. Opened right up to European diplomatic relations." (or something like that).

After being humiliated I used the restroom and prayed to God to give me something to throw back at him, that would shock him, even if I didn't know what it meant. I came out, and just looked at books, and then picked out this one about World History of Events & politics (wrote about that, just not the other stuff because I was still living in the State of WA)and opened up to this section and read it out loud and then snapped it shut.

I walked back to the town on my own, turning down a ride, and cried in the dark all the way back.

Something was very cruel and disturbing about the entire Walla Walla and Seattle trip. I sensed someone or something good here and there, but I was chased all over and had people trying to block me from leaving and attempting to force me to do things or go places I didn't care to go. Just for the point of making their own points, which had nothing to do with my best interests.

It was really sad. The whole thing.

When I got the scarf and saw people smirking about it, I thought about not wearing it until I saw the rest of that movie so I understood more who I was being compared to and I thought about not wearing any part of the combination until I knew more but then I tried to be humble and just wear it and allow others to get their kicks and laugh at me. If that's what they want, let them have it. And I decided that whatever people use for bad against me can still be used for good--I can wear something and make it my own and not carry the connotation or baggage with it if I don't want to.
I don't know why but I've been listening to Petra (old school christian rock)
I'll write more later. I am trying to get out what I can, as my levels of stress allow.

I am also looking for work and need some normal people on my side for practical things like this and I'm afraid that others are still going to try to obstruct me or get in the way to prevent me from moving forward.

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