Friday, December 17, 2010

Theft & Wrong Law Enforcement Positioning

I have the wrong law enforcement officers making sure they are the ones to get to my complaints or reports.

I think this is to make sure I don't have matters handled properly and to give Tennessee people an opportunity (a few) to distort my reports and get a file going against me here that makes me sound nuts, petty, or to skew the reports. I am also being used as a pawn (with jokes made out of giving me the wrong name of an officer, who wore a badge for "King" and had (or put on) an English accent, and then stealing from me the day before Larry King is retiring and making this huge joke out of the fact that if my card has been stolen they must have known I would go to police and inquire about the last disposition of a case I had filed with "King".)

I totally flipped out after:

1. Finding a report written up about me that made me sound nuts, and was wrong, and where the officer had not even given me his real name,

2. Finding out someone (pretty sure I know who it is now) had stolen my debit card which has all of my money on it. It it is the only way for me to ensure that I am able to travel, pay bills, and additionally, what is very important at this time, is buying prepackaged food or being able to choose where my food comes from. I have been given medication, several times, in food I have taken from others and it throws me off track for days and makes me ill.

Further details:

1. I reported theft at the Nashville Public Library. I reported it, even though it was $3, because it involved several persons who were all acting together and all of them had good jobs and money of their own. Had my $3 been stolen by a bum, I wouldn't report it--I'd let him or her have it. But the entire situation was severely wrong, and they not involved themselves, they then involved a man who "looked" like a bum to displace the blame, and one of the library workers knew about it too. It involved men and women with incomes of $40,000-70,000+, judging by dress and manner. What I found bizarre was the coordination of their efforts.

Then, the officers to arrive on the scene were suspect. Now I know for sure, because I read last night how they wrote up the report. There were 2 officers who showed up and one of them didn't talk at all, and I guess this was an Evan J. Hirschman. The man who did the talking, and who used a British accent, had a badge on with the name "King". I noticed this because I don't know that many U.S. officers with British accents. He gave me his business card and then wiped off a pubic hair that was on it. This I remember. I also thought it was some kind of a joke for someone to send out the British "King" to take my complaint. As I found out yesterday, his last name is not King. It is Petty, and I guess this was even more of a joke, to have Sgt. Petty coming out to make a report about $3 being stolen, and the way they constructed the report, made ME sound "petty". They also wrote only about females and made no mention of anything.

When I tried to find Sgt. King later, yesterday, I was told there are about 15 or more "Kings" on the force here, so I guess this guy used someone else's badge? I asked if this Sgt. was also English or if he had an English/British accent. When I asked this question yesterday, all these officers just sort of looked aside and embarrassed. Like, "We're sorry Ma'am. We have assholes on the team."

The situation was bad enough to warrant an investigation and getting the video surveillance, because I had narrowed down the timeframe to within 20 minutes of the crime and could pinpoint exactly who did it. The other cameras would show who entered or left that room at this time. It was a combination of black and white men and women.

When I read the report, it just sounded like no big deal. Whoever wrote the report, is not average intelligence. I would guess that on the I.Q. scale, this officer is above average intelligence. I could also guess his MMPI scores to some degree, based on how he wrote this report. He probably has analytical skills that are above average. He could probably learn how to write software if he ever wanted to. That's a guess. It's a compliment to his intelligence but also underscores the fact that he wrote this up to sound a certain way.

It is the first paper in the file, in TN, with my name on it.

They knew I could identify who was involved and they took this in order to protect those persons from being discovered.

It was Officer Evan J. Hirschman and Sgt. Brian K. Petty. They are with Central Police Precinct.
The first interaction I had with the DEA was with a man who jumped to the conclusion, within 3 minutes, that I was "paranoid". The man with a degree in "psychology" and the twitch.

Another attempt to discredit me and derail me from the very start, in Tennessee.

I am very aware that if things go into the wrong hands, it will distort my character and records and will get a ball rolling against me in Tennessee and even if it's just a handful of people.

If they are not reported and discovered for being obstructive, they will be a part of the process to keep me down.
I went to Central Precinct to report various thefts, my boots being cut on the soles, and the recent theft of my debit card.

I have serious concerns already because while I was assigned a detective, he tried to dispute that my boots had been cut.

This, to me, was a HUGE red flag.

Any normal person in their right mind, if they are doing their job and are working for the side of the TRUTH, would never try to dismiss this and claim it could have happened while I was walking. If they are denying what I say, or trying to discount what I report, when it's clear that this is a reasonable suggestion, they are trying to damage my reputation.

There were a few other men present so I said, "No, that did NOT happen from walking around. Anyone can see this and there is something wrong if you can't. I might just have to take photos with my webcam and put them online so everyone can see. Any forensic person would see clearly that they were intentionally cut with a knife."

One thing I have to do this morning, is take a photo of the soles of my boots. Just for protection for myself and what I am trying to report.

He said why did I think someone would do this and I said either to check for drugs because the heels were cut and then also someone had tried to pull out one side of my locker, a side of the paneling and I figured it was to see if something was concealed there. It showed up like this the same time my boots were cut. I said it was either this or someone just being malicious.

He also wanted to dismiss my reports about being medicated. I said I was reporting the theft of the card but also having medication added to my food. I told him this was why it was imperative that I have assistance getting the card replaced and help from TN people with WA, to get this card so I am able to protect my health.

He suggested I go on TN assistance and I said no, I was not going to do that. I am not going on any kind of TN welfare at any time. Period.

He said they could try to assist in helping me get another card from WA state. So I am waiting to see, because I have some doubts after his initial assessment of my boots. If things are worked out, this would be good.

I had other people trying to tell me to just eat the food at a homeless shelter and I said I would become a voluntary anorexic before I started eating food from other people after what's already happened with the tampering of my food and drink.
I do think there are more law enforcement here willing to help out (and I think I've met some of them) than where I was before. And the violence is drastically reduced, maybe because of new location--not sure. The other day a lot of things were happening but I started taking private notes.

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