Wednesday, December 8, 2010

This Morning (impressions)

I should clarify something I wrote yesterday, about the juxposition with the video and then reading about the taliban. I didn't want it to sound disrespectful, as if I were mixing the two, but it was interesting bc I think the guy featured looks middle eastern and then it's such a pop video and then I was reading about war and taliban which would definitely not approve of this video (at least probably not most of them). But then it also made me think about the totally different cultures and then also the idea of military who are, or were, inbetween these different spheres, where there is the austerity of war and fighting and then the enjoyment or entertainment of music which is around an idea of love. It was just really strange to click back and forth between the two, and made it more real--the differences but then some of the similarities of human nature. And how strange it must be to go between the different worlds.

It was like when I listened to the song "Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)" by Amy Grant. I don't get this impression now maybe, but as I was listening to it the other day, after it came to mind in the middle of church, I saw (minds eye) a kind of flash of events and then at the part of "pour over me your holiness", I saw an anointing of oil on one hand, and then the scene from "The Black Box" where the woman has refuse dumped on her head...I saw this struggle, of making unholy and unworthy (or trying to) someone who is innocent and the struggle to survive--and the juxposition there between good and evil. There is a video with footage from a movie "The Nativity Story" and I hadn't been watching it, or thinking about the contrast of suffering and blessing, but had all these other scenes flashing up before me, in a similar way, of events.
Impressions I've had are just basic. I haven't prayed to know anything about anyone but had a few random insights recently, which suprised me.

One was that I wondered about how I had "heard" (mind's eye or memory recollection) something about "Charlie, why don't you invite her for tea" in this church restroom and then I met this older man named Charlie, at last service on Sunday, and he had been baptised there and has gone there his whole life. He had a great sense of humor and I wouldn't mention at all but thought, maybe that's why I got something about a Charlie in that restroom (wouldn't that be strange?) even if with a british accent.

The other thing was that this woman was talking about not feeling well and I prayed without closing my eyes, just asked quickly what it might be, and I had "hysterectomy" come to mind. I didn't say this but just asked her about her female cycle and she said, "Oh I don't have to worry about that bc I had a hysterectomy". She is younger and there wasn't any reason to think she'd had one, because she is in her 30s-40s. She had it done when she was young. I said, "Maybe now that you're older, there are still some kind of changes and your body needs something or is telling you something." I didn't know, but I told her I had gotten hysterectomy and then I wondered if it was really true and she said yes. She said I had the gift of prophecy but I'm not sure I would call it this...I don't know.

I thought about this because I guessed this woman was with the FBI the other day (unconfirmed) and then just now, I saw a tatoo on a man's arm and it said "1984" and I asked him what it stood for and then right before he even opened his mouth to tell me, I got "The year he was born" and he said a split second later, "The year I was born".
Oh darn. I just missed an early morning chapel I was going to attend. It was at 6:30 a.m. I guess I'll go to the one I usually go to but I was going to go to this one or both of them this morning. Maybe I'll try to go late anyway.

I have more computer stuff or research to do this afternoon-tonight.

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