Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I got a lot done today. Amazing what a planner, a good map, transportation, and small sacrifices can do to clear my mind. I feel pretty good.

The best part was that at one point I had a slight migraine and I prayed and it instantly went away. I was shocked and thought, "what?! oh, well thank you!" and then later it came back, but about an hour later. But it was gone. Then it left when I put on "Pocketful of Sunshine" on and then I went to Rhianna's "What's my name".

The juxposition of this song came as I was reading the taliban stuff again, on wiki. I don't know if I've heard this song before but I like it. I kept clicking between what I had been reading, which was opposite some taliban in a jeep, a photo from wiki, to this video. Sort of surreal effect.

Oh, I just got the positive energy click again. Like a surge of powerful good energy.

Anyway, the most amazing thing was as I listened to this song, and read about the taliban at the same time, I began seeing (minds eye) dancing and choreographing or something to this song. It was 3 tracks. Taliban and politics, music, and then impressions of dancing, but mainly, how I imagine I would dance to this song. I got a lot of different people doing some different things too.

Some ballet, some african stomping and some bare hand drumming, and modern. Women spinning (ballet) like tops. I wish I had a private place to listen to this loudly and dance but right now that's not possible. But I like this.

I had left off in my reading right before the buddha part of the article and then have continued a little but the music is a little distracting. I think tomorrow, I have some time to devote to seriously focusing on it and looking up some of the other leaders and figures.

So many groups are centered around this--I hadn't realized how many things it touches upon.

I have work, and I have some promising possibilities for more work as well. It felt like a good day. And I fasted all day until dinner and then ate everything except for the meat, but I ate the pasta, salad, chocolate cake, and carrots.

I had been craving chocolate cake today and there it was. I had almost gone into a cake shop to buy a piece but I restrained myself and then it was served for dinner.

I had a positive feeling (more than usual, for about 15-20 minutes and then it sort of quit). Not a bad feeling now though. It quit about 20 minutes ago, and it's now 5:52 p.m.

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