Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This Morning

Yesterday wasn't the best day. There were a lot of people around, following everything I did, and pretty much getting off on it.

I drank something bad that morning as well, so I was off-kilter, and was literally sick in the bathroom a few times. Yesterday. This probably affected what I got done.

The vibe was okay in general, but something was just elevated or ramped up yesterday. It was kind of like things died down and I had some peace midweek last week, then the weekend was about games and being followed everywhere and I wondered if others were in from out of town bc of the weekend. If so, they took a 3 day break and extended their stay into monday (yesterday).

Otherwise, things are okay. I got a planner and I'm using it. My last planner was stolen before I could even use it.

I woke up early and prayed before doing anything. I opened up to a Psalm about why do the wicked have healthy bodies and no problems and look upon me and my family God. I will have to find what number it was. Then, without getting out of bed, I penciled out some things into the planner. Things to get done today and in the near future.

Then I went to the cafe, had tea with honey, and looked up news. I read the article from cnn about pakistan, an Obama one, and about the return of the degas of "woman with a toothache". I like the pencil drawing of the man's face, in this piece, best. Then I looked up bbc and read the main featured article about the wiki leaks guy and just read the profile piece. After this, I looked up "taliban" on wiki. I decided I would like to understand them a little better. I made a few notes about things to look up: Hanafi Islamist, pashtunwali, Imam Abu Hanifa Madhhab, and Sharia law as well as some of the other kinds of Islam. I don't know why, but I began sensing very good energy after I clicked on "taliban" with wiki and started to read. This was about 7:30 a.m. or around this time, I think. I am not saying it was/is because of this article or reading this--maybe someone nearby or something, or just someone praying for me.
I read the first part of the wiki page and then skimmed some of it. I have to do some things today but later want to come back to this and study it more.

What led me to look it up today was the news of another bombing and the question of "why can't the taliban have at least their own section of land to practice their beliefs as they wish?" and this question arising without having done any reading about beliefs, practices, pros and cons from the viewpoints of others. I haven't formed any opinions about anything because I'm just starting to read about it. The last time I did any research on anything taliban, it was in 2000, for a college paper and I actually wrote in defense of the custom of the burka, if this was what women wanted to choose, my argument was how is this different from a nun taking a veil. My professor hated it and also thought I had plaigerized and someone else had written it. She kept my paper and looked up everything she could online, trying to find a match but it was my material. I think it was for that paper. If it wasn't that one, it was for a different topic (english lit class). I remember this very well.

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