Monday, December 6, 2010

She's Got Rocks In The Soles Of Her Shoes

I mentioned the soles of my boots. They've been cut with a knife. I had them in a locker, locked up, and someone had to have gone into my locker to do it. I have otherwise not left them unattended.

2 incisions were made in each heel of each boot and then when I pressed on it, I found it was hollow and there were pieces of gravel and rocks in one.

It wasn't from walking around on rough terrain.

It looked like something someone would do to either try to take something out, or find out if there are drugs or listening device, or who knows, in my boots. I can't imagine any other reason someone would do this.

No wonder I started thinking about the soles of my boots. It had to have happened while I was at work one day and had a different pair of shoes on. The locker isn't at work, but anyway, it's locked and to do what was done, one would have to have a warrant. A legal search warrant. Or else, they just did this on their own, illegally.

I noticed something too, after I fully immersed these boots in water and washed them. I can't get into right now.

So I showed this to a few other people and they have confirmed yes, they were cut and it was not accidental.

There is no possible way that it happened at any other time other than when I worked and locked up my boots. They've otherwise not been off of my feet. I took only these boots with me to TN so they were the only shoes I had on my feet and were with me at all times, until I got tennis shoes and then after this, when I wore the tennis shoes (only one day), I had the other boots locked up.

It had to have happened last Friday.
In other ways, things are much better.

If everything goes well, and continues on this peaceful trajectory here, I want my son over here with me. So far, there has been a 90% reduction in the amount of technology or military or gang or whatever violence against me. There have been isolated incidents, but it's been much, much, better.

I do not trust my son's welfare to the State of Washington. There are some very good people there, and maybe in other areas, but no one was able to control what was happening to me there and I have no reason to think things are any different for my son.

I went from being able to check on him at least a couple times a week, to being BLOCKED and banned from even seeing my son so I was intentionally kept in the dark and could not tell the public if anything was going on.

By the anyone else noticing a "pattern" here? That I suddenly become "normal" once I'm out of Wenatchee? Every single time? If I had mental illness, this would be consistent no matter where I went. But I don't, and every single time I get out of that state, people act shocked that I am beginning to sound normal again. I will tell you why--it's because what I have described happening, has really happened, and there is no other explanation.

I am now on maybe the 3rd week of my fast, and I can monitor what is happening better, and aside from some incidents, and from someone trying to medicate me, I'm better.

Maybe some group feels satisfied with how far down they got me, or some other thing has worked out the way they wanted it to so now I'm not as much of a threat. I don't know.

I was going to go back to Wenatchee on the 7th of this month but I may take an extended vacation since I was able to get work and have some other things coming up as well, so I think it's wise to play it by ear a little longer. I'm looking into options and opportunities.
This morning I was going to go to prayer but I will probably go on my own later today. I enjoy the morning services and just didn't want to get back into the cold so soon. However, I'm going to stop by the chapel before an interview I have today.

I had sort of a sad feeling yesterday (last night) and then this morning, in the last hour. Maybe it's because I didn't go to the prayer service. I don't know. Maybe someone is sad and I am picking up on it. It's 8:40 a.m. CST.

I took a photo of myself so I'll post it, but I don't look happy. I feel fine though. I look very serious. Maybe later I'll post one where I'm smiling with someone I've met from around here. We'll see. My eyes look funny but there's nothing wrong with them today. It's just how it was taken I guess. I am in sweatshirt, to go to a blue collar/hard work interview and then I brought a silk sweater for a position with children at a school. I am happy to be employed already, though, with food service, and if I can fit a few things together, I will. Oh, it's not showing up yet. I'll post it later.

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