Sunday, December 5, 2010

breath of heaven, amy grant

The main impression I had today was a song that came to me while I was in a second church service. The first service was at 7 a.m. at this church I've gone to for a little while. Then I had been invited to attend one at another church afterwards and I went and at about 9:30 or a little after, the song "Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)" came to mind while he was speaking. I haven't heard it in the coffee shop or in any services yet this season (I don't think) but it came to mind, though this is natural, at this time of year, to have a christmas song come to mind.

I like this one by a Chinese pianist, for the way it is almost to the child, as I see it, rather than to the adult. A song an infant would like, lullaby, that's soothing and also happy.

I did a couple of embarrassing things this morning, by mistake though. I went forward for communion for the first time at the episcopal church and then discovered, 2 hours later, that I still had a curler attached to my hair.

I curled my hair with sponge rollers overnight and all the curlers are black. I took all of them out, I thought. I checked with my hand and I guess the plastic fastener was out but the foam part of the curler was still in my hair. I think underneath, I hope but it's possible that when I was bending my head forward, if the curls and hair parted, the curler was visible. And this is at the most solemn and formal of the services, in the early morning. Thank goodness not a lot of people attend that one.

I went forward for communion to the altar and everything, and then as I knelt, I wondered at the condition of the soles of my boots. Come to find out, they're a mess too.

So this is like, a formal episcopal/anglican style church. I wasn't focused on my boots but I did think, oh great, I'm baring my soles and I didn't know then that I had little rocks which had punctured through but I knew one of the soles was split in the middle and I didn't think about it at all until I was kneeling. I was focused on prayer until that moment, and THEN I took the wafer, and I put it in my mouth, "The bread of heaven" and didn't know the common cup comes by and one dips the wafer in the cup first. So I got the bread of heaven and none of the blood of Christ.

I watched the people go first this time, because I felt comfortable going forward and I didn't realize they were being blessed. So I didn't notice the dip thing. This one pastor or priest came by and I looked up at him with wide eyes to say, "Shh!" and he looked at me and held the cup and I looked up at him and then he smiled, realizing I'd already had the wafer.

It wasn't a big deal. I felt very comfortable today for some reason.

Then I went to this other service, and it was a lot of nice music and totally different and then I discovered after the service, when it literally fell out of my hair and rolled onto the ground, that there had been a curler in the back of my hair that I had somehow missed.

All morning, through 2 services, this curler was there. I had thrown my head upside down and hairsprayed, and patted all around, and somehow missed the curler.

With fasting (in part--I'm sort of doing it my own way), I think, my pride is in better control though, because I just thought oh well.

I had breakfast this morning, with some people, and thought it was great. Met nice people and an older man with a great sense of humor--a Charlie!

Like this day I worked at a food place and Fox News and a bunch of people came in--some very nice, some aghast and feeling sorry for me, some very haughty and delighted/satisfied and I didn't really notice the pride that much.

I figured, if Jesus could humble himself as he did for me and all of us, I can be humble too. And, I thought, what the point too, of being humble at times was...was to be able to be approachable and know someone else's circumstances in a way to where you are then approachable.

Then I noticed something sort of strange about my boots today. I might write about it tomorrow.

I like the song "Mary Did You Know" too.

They had communion at the next service but I figured once, for this kind of thing, is right. It's not something, to me, to repeat but I prayed anyway. I don't know. Maybe it doesn't matter. Not sure. Just felt it was fine having done it earlier.
I had a few other small impressions, while listening to music but maybe later.

Also, there was a service that made me think about my son a lot. I sang all the christmas songs, thinking of him and hoping he was having a good time. Of course I still intend to have my son back in my custody.

Of course.

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