Friday, December 3, 2010

my error (food and drink)

I made a mistake today, in taking food or drink somewhere that was tampered. My eyelid started to droop and this doesn't happen unless there is something I've had.

Yesterday I fasted and had only 1 large french fry for a meal, sticking with veggies or a potato, and tea. I ran too, and made it to an important appointment by running in horrible boots. Felt proud of myself for managing to do this.

I am hoping my good sense of well being doesn't decline now that I think I made a mistake today. Today I've only had tea, coffee, and a vegetarian sub sandwich, but somewhere along the way I goofed or didn't watch something close enough. I'm not sure when but will be even more careful to monitor everything or just get it myself. It's not a big deal...just to be more careful. If I am more careful I can absolutely positively rule all things out and if I just get droopy eyes, then I can control this and know it has nothing to do with something I ate or drank. It is completely my fault, so I'm not blaming anyone.

Otherwise, my day was fine. Not a bad day.

I am beginning to enjoy the fast. I feel power in it, in some sense. A little more clarity, and other than this cough, just feel like I'm getting better healthwise.

I want to start running again and maybe lap swim. Just feeling a lot better, in general.

I feel thankful for many things.

I don't recommend french fries for a meal in a fast though. Other foods haven't affected me but I felt a little bit worse and not better, with the fries, and I think it was all the oils. There are good oils and bad oils.

In general, I think I'll stick with fresh veggies or fruits, oatmeal, and liquids. I just looked things up and long fasts are allegedly good for healing the body too. Which is strange, bc I feel this a little bit.

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