Friday, December 3, 2010

Mom's Voice & Other

I didn't write about the technology thing I said I would write about. It was a heart thing and caused very quick palpitations of my heart. It was very specific and I don't have heart issues. But it happened twice. An incident while I stood near the river speaking with a man who had taken me to lunch and I wondered if it was someone from a distance or what. Then I moved and it quit. Later, that same night, where I was staying, going upstairs, it happened again while a woman made a motion jangling things in her pocket but this may have been a smokescreen.

That was it though. It was violence and it was technology, but it was still less than has been in the past. It wasn't my imagination or delusion.
To clarify about "hearing" the british woman's voice, too, I have to be very clear it's more of a minds eye thing and like recalling the memory of someone speaking. It's not as weird as it sounds.
The other thing I didn't write about, was that not last night but the night before, I heard my mother's voice. I was in a waking dream but I haven't heard this since I was a little girl and then would say "WhAT?!" in response. It was just my name, twice. "Cameo. Cameo." and louder the second time and then that was it. There was nothing going along with my dream and I was half awake. It was definitely her voice too. Then I checked email yesterday morning and she had sent an email stating she would be hard to reach for a few days because she was traveling with a friend. When I got it, it was so clear, I almost didn't know if I was awake or asleep but I had been in the waking mode, and then sat up after I heard this. I haven't heard this, the way I got it, since I was a little girl, so it was interesting.
I got some interesting things with scripture too, but have decided to keep some of these things more personal. If I get something for me, and it's really for me to pay attention to, telling people is asking for trouble, like joseph wearing his coat of many colors and talking about what "God told him" in his dreams, etc. If it's something good, that is. And if it's really God, then nothing can stop it from happening, no matter what others try to do and how impossible it might be.

I have recently kept a few more things in reserve.

I also read Samuel (something I can share) immediately before falling asleep (among other things) last night and thought about how when Eli received bad news about his future, he didn't complain or even pray against it and said, "If this is God's will, it is the Lord's will and let him do as he wishes." I thought about times when there is acceptance and peaceful surrendure to God, knowing he is there to be glorified and then other times to pray against bad things (like Ninevah) and God sometimes changes his mind. Thought about these different ideas.

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