Thursday, December 2, 2010

Impressions and This Morning (more technology news)

Things have been much, much better, for me at least with regard to the whole technology stuff. There have been a few incidents, but more isolated. I am still doing my fast too. I had a meal yesterday but otherwise stayed with liquids. I have a terrible cough but phsyically I've never felt better. It's really strange. I should feel terrible with so little food, but I feel great. My cough sounds awful but I really feel good. I guess it's been maybe 15 or 16 days now. No, I don't think it's been that long...

I'll write about other things before the technology.

I switched from Twinnings to Lipton because it was 3 cents per teabag rather than 8 cents, even though I prefer Earl Grey. The kind they have here is light strength (2 leaves) and I like my tea stronger. I want medium earl grey if without half and half or cream, and if I am having cream, I want it very strong. But I switched to Lipton because the tea is to get me by without too much suffering while fasting.

I saw news that Queen Elizabeth went to the UAE which I found interesting because at the same time, without my knowing, I had been thinking about a man I had met from the UAE while tutoring international students at college. I hadn't thought about him or them for awhile and I was wondering what he was doing and how they were and then the next day I saw a video clip.

Other than this, I haven't noticed any coincidences.

Last night I sang Billie Holiday song "Black Coffee" in the shower and hadn't thought of it in a long time. Then I had impressions of this woman speaking to others about me actually, who wasn't there anymore but it was sort of a capturing of her voice. This morning that r&b song "all the right moves in all the right places, oh yeah, we're going down..." came to mind and then the 50s or 60s song, "You've really got a hold on me" (haven't thought of this song forever).

With my cold I can hit lower notes which is sort of fun. Then this black woman who has a good voice was joining me in "You've really got a hold on me" and I started thinking it would be fun to get duets or harmonies together now and then. I don't want to join choir, but it would be fun to get together and sing sometimes with others, in private company.

The morning service at church yesterday felt very refreshing and all day yesterday, there was a more full feeling whereas the day before I had sensed sadness from somewhere.

I have a few interviews and a few job offers (!) and I think or hope some things might work out.

I kept repeating the mantra that "without faith it is impossible to please God" so just said to myself to believe I would be hired, regardless of what for.

The only disappointing thing is having a few technology incidents still. Very mild, but concerning. I actually don't feel like writing about it at the moment but maybe a little later today.
I got a few things done and then decided to look up some things that have come to mind in the last week, which I asked people about bc I wondered why it came to mind.


This was one and I kept forgetting to look it up. I wasn't sure what it was about but I got the word "bristow" and then that night I asked women I was with what bristow is or where it is, if it's a location. Someone said "bristel?" and I said, "No, Bristow spelled b r i s t o w. This was 4-7 days ago. It was last Sunday or earlier. I said I was going to have to look it up and then forgot to do it. I just looked up wiki and it has a lot of things listed. I thought it was a location in England maybe and didn't know why it came to mind. I believe it came to mind the same day or evening that I then asked the women later. It may have been for a place in Virginia I guess, but Bristow came to mind strongly.

Just now, at this exact moment, had "corgi" to mind for no reason. 11:31 a.m. CST. Sort of more like corky though, than corgi.

Yes, I am slightly psychic or intuitive. Tiny bit. But don't always know when I am.

I had a few other things come to mind over the last few days but not tons. Got some English accent idea or minds eye thought of english accent this morning after chapel at the episcopal church. I was in the restroom and caught a quick short bit, and it was a different english woman and accent. And no, these are not "voices" like out loud or anything. It's more the idea of a phrase and how it's said.

I've been staying with a lot of people who can see clearly that I'm not nuts at all.

Still will write about the other things later. Bristow was the main thing that stood out as unusual because it was out of the blue and I wasn't reading much news or anythign that could have referenced this word. I actually think I got it maybe right after chapel and then I went to take a shower and as I was setting things on the bed, I got "bristow" and then later, I asked some people what it was. It was evening then, probably Sunday or Saturday or earlier, and at about 7:30-9:00 p.m. CST.

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