Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Vibe and Impressions

I was in chapel and saw in the minds eye, a grey plane. Last night around 7:30 p.m.

I saw the nose of it as if it were facing me at a slight angle.

Empty feeling sort of until this morning everything different. And the sun is out too.

More to write later.
I went to morning prayer and glad I did. Something to share too.

But back to the plane. It wasn't like I saw it from a building, more like from another vehicle or plane, a little higher up, as if I were directly across from the nose of the plane, not beneath it looking up. I saw it as if I were to the right of the plane and it was facing me but just slightly with nose pointed to the left.

The weird thing was that it seemed to be daylight. So I wondered if it was something someone was either watching or was in another part of the world. I didn't see any design on it. I thought it was maybe a mid-size plane or something. But I don't know. It was just like I was on some landing strip area or concrete section and then I saw that plane in front of me. I couldn't really say if it was a small plane, mid, or large. It had a regular plane shape, nothing fancy with the nose or anything.
Anyway, the service this morning was about Isaiah, "beat their ploughs into pruning shares" or whatever and I had this come to my mind in scripture form yesterday while walking.

The other thing I had an impression of yesterday (I think it was) was English accent dialect. For the first time, that I can recall. It was a woman. Over and over, and I thought, asking "Charlie" if he wanted to invite her for tea. I kept hearing this middle age woman's English accent and I really think the name was Charles or Charlie. It was, "Why don't you invite her for a cup of tea?" or a spot of tea, or something about tea. What was weird was that I got all of this as I was walking to the YMCA to turn something in and while there, I heard some various English accents, but they were all men. On the way there though, british accent. I sort of got the type of dialect too, and the English accent is all different, but I picked up on the style of speech. It was strange. I thought, maybe Im just picking up on English accent and then I imagined the tea thing, but I thought it was about asking someone to tea or if they wanted tea. Because of this, I thought about Charles and if he was having tea with someone (charles of wales) but that didn't seem right. I wasn't sure and then I figured it was maybe one of the women with the disabled people who I was still picking up on and now she was attending someone else. I have no clue. I think she was a tawny blond though. I tried to gather who the woman was and felt I wasn't right. I thought maybe a short haired or mid-length hair tawny blond who is of middle age. And I didn't see any tawny blond women with this accent in the last few days. She was white. The accent wasn't really low English or extremely high English. It was middle range, like, class conscious and not a lot of slang but not as clipped as some of the accents are. I wasn't totally sure about Charlie either, and thought maybe it was addressed to someone else but Charles came to mind. Why don't you ask her if she'd like to have a spot of tea? or something. spot, cup, or just something about invitation and coaxing. Then I was in the YMCA and no more "virtual accents". I overheard one man who was nice looking and had brown hair and a nice open face and looking a little sheepish or eyes down. Here she is! the inevitable. Shit this is a mess. Look at her. Either feeling bad for me because knowing a little too much or feeling bad just not knowing and going along. Shorter, about 5'8- 5'10.
I must have had something that wasn't totally right, from the creamer or something bc my stomach is acting up and usually zero problems. And all I've had all day today is tea. From the same place, so we'll see. First cup no problem but second cup was ...It may be something else.

I have some reservations about a few things that have happened at this cafe. A few different things.

However, the fasting is working out very well for picking up precisely what's going on. I had a hot dog yesterday that I shouldn't have had.

I thought there was no big deal and the rest of the day, had nothing but I later realized there was something wrong with it or something. I had this weird taste in my mouth later and my breath was like medication breath. I thought, "Well I have been fasting and that can contribute to this kind of thing" but no, it was different. It was more like medication breath and yet I'd guarded all my drinks. Probably too, some of the crap I've been given will take time to wear off.
There haven't been as many problems but it's nice because when they occur, it's very noticeable.

I also realized at least one thing isn't caused by my laptop because it happened in chapel once with no laptop with me at all.

Probably some of the emptiness or sadness or worry I felt last night had to do with what some were already trying to plot or plan out for the next day.

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