Monday, January 10, 2011

Bad People: Technology & My Eyes

I am reporting that I am at the YMCA.

My eyes were fine, and I ate and drank nothing except water and cheese which I bought packaged.

It is definitely effects from technology and there are some bad people at the Y right now.

My eye went from fine to droopy within less than 10 minutes.

First, I noticed my laptop immediately was being overcharged when I typed the last note and it only took about 10 minutes to type.

Then I went to the gym to run and someone had used technology to mess up the machines that I run on and then as I was trying to figure out what was wrong, someone used something else that included a burning sensation and then they did something that affected my heart.

I asked one of the Y guys about one machine. I told him, "It's not powering off the t.v. and then when I try to power off the whole machine, the entire machine isn't powering off."

It wasn't just military or gang technology that was being used, that affected my body--someone was doing something that even affected the machines.

And then I went to the bathroom right after and saw that my eye was droopy and there had been no problem from the time I woke up.

The Y guy went over and said he didn't know why it wasn't powering down. Then after awhile, a couple of times, it did it when he was there.

But then all of the radios were not playing the christian station and it was like it was missing from the radio--they weren't scanning back to the right numbers.

When I asked a guy to come look at the machine, then I noticed a few people didn't look happy about it. Just a bad vibe.

There are bad people here today.

Also, someone has time off on Mondays or shows up here on Mondays who is a problem. So this is someone who has free time Monday mornings. There were a ton of problems last week, on Monday specifically, and I really noticed it. Then today it almost a repeat.

So I would appreciate having someone check this out. This is the downtown Y in Nashville.

If assholes are already abusing their powers and capabilities over here, there is no point in keeping it a secret from good people who also have powers and capabilities and may better keep track of assholes who defy the Geneva and all other humanitarian treaties.

I would appreciate it. If you're international, that's great. U.S., great.


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