Monday, January 10, 2011


There's snow today! I guess it's a lot for TN, but it's not bad (if you're used to NW or East Coast snow). It was colder yesterday than it is today and today it was just nice.

I was outside by 5 a.m. and wished I had cross country skiis still. It's perfect powder. This time, for some reason, I didn't mind getting any snow. I didn't pray against it either and I am not sure why other than I didn't care (not that my prayers would have made any difference.) Before, it was so incredibly cold with a brittle wind and today it's just decent outside and not freezing.

I walked to the gym in it and it wasn't bad with the boots either. I thought about walking through the snow with my brother when we were younger today.

Then I found out the 1st yoga class was cancelled so I did light stretches and then went to the steam room (instead of sauna today, though I went in briefly) for an hour and a half. I am getting used to the intermittent cold showers and got my head wet today too.

My eyes are not droopy this morning. At least not yet. So far, so good.

I was thinking of this woman this morning while I checked my eyes in the mirror, and I turned and there was the same woman I had been thinking of, around the corner.

I'll blog more later.

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