Sunday, January 9, 2011


I am definitely leaving the country.

Just for a short visit though.

Today has been more of the same and worse, with people following me around, watching every single thing I do, and military and other mind control or psychics and medical persons watching my every move and wanting to talk to me.

I stupidly go to the same cafe where I have had someone using technology on me in the past, and for at least 2 hours it was happening, and affects my heart, and I looked in a mirror after and my eye was droopy.

I only had a bottled latte from a Starbucks.

Unless the military or CIA has a special order deal with Starbucks, for adding shit to drinks (which is highly unlikely), this eye drooping thing is either from technology, after it occurs, or is something that has been the result of medication that just kicks in.

And that doesn't make any sense at all.

My eyes never had this particular problem until I have been in TN. Actually, no, it started happening a short time before TN because I documented.

My eyes were fine, all day yesterday and all day today until after I had the latte, which I hope was fine, and then I had a bagel with butter and water for tea at the Panera where someone fried my ass and plenty of people coming in and out in the meantime. I watched the water being poured and brought my own tea bag.

It was the latte from Starbucks, the bagel, or something wrong with the water or where it was coming from, OR, possibly, a result of the technology but I am still more inclined to believe it's something I am getting through food or drink somehow. I don't want to believe I am actually suffering mini-strokes as a result of U.S. experimentation.

Thanks James.

It's not just U.S... There are some in the U.S. who have allowed people from other countries to be involved.

This woman went to the bathroom where I was and I asked her if she went to Vanderbilt. She claimed she didn't go to Vanderbilt. She said she went to a different college and I asked what for and she said counseling. Then she said psychology before that. She asked what I did and I said, "I'm probably leaving the country in a few months."

She said, "Good luck with that."

I said, "Yeah, probably Geneva."

This thing with my eye is happening at specific times. It is always, so far, occuring after some kind of technology thing that involves overheating or around the time I've had something new to eat or drink.

Yesterday at the YMCA I didn't have any of their coffee. No food either. All I had was bottled water which I got from water fountains.

I noticed one time where my eye was about to get droopy and it was after some kind of technology thing happened at the end of one of the classes I was in. I looked in the mirror and it was slight.

Before the class, and for hours before, there was nothing. Nothing was wrong.

Do you want to know why they got an MRI?

They want to compare "before and after". I had my CT scan "disappear" from the radiology offices in Oregon. They said it had been lost. Just like my dental records in Cashmere, which showed some strange things, which could be evidence of torture, were "lost". Then, I was told I had to have an MRI and that information was released to a shitload of people that it never should have been released to.

And they are ruining my son.

Back to yesterday, my eye started drooping slightly right after this one class where there was something going on and then I went straight to the sauna and it was corrected within 10 minutes.

Why, exactly, would my eye quit drooping and everything change, just because I was in the sauna?
I have to say, I don't think everyone agrees with what's happening and I don't think all federal or state officials would agree with it, if they knew or not.

So probably, I will not be just taking off in a couple months, even if I could if I had at least several thousand (probably more than that) to leave with.

But the only real reason to consider staying at all, is if someone is investigating what's going on, or if I have a good lawyer, or work.

I don't know if I need to fast completely again, and this time with just water from faucets I choose myself, to see if the droopy eye thing quits. I have to narrow it down.

If it's from technology, this will become obvious at some point.

If it's NOT from that, the food-drink thing will come into play. It's not like a random thing. It happens at very specific times and then corrects. So far I'm noticing it is after I have had something to eat or drink which may have been tampered with or after some technology thing. And then it corrects.

I do still need to talk to this lawyer and check out some options.

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