Monday, January 24, 2011

Bad Things Happening Still

Some very bad things are happening over here.

I wanted my first post to be positive and about God, but, the first month I was here, almost zero problems. Second month, still incredible in the sense of a major reduction in use of some kind of military technology. But like I said, ever since I went to the FBI offices here, it has been MUCH much worse.

The problem is, I think the U.S. is involved and knows about it. If not, they are not yet taking care of gangster stuff that is out of control and being funded by rich groups.

It's also occuring at the shelter and while there were a couple of incidents when I was first there, for some reason, it quit for the most part. It has depended upon which room I'm in and who is in there with me and which bed I'm in.

This is very wrong because the FBI and U.S. has maligned me so badly as being mentally ill, when I'm not, that it is almost impossible for people to take me seriously.

I now believe it is largely the fault of the FBI and I believe they got their lead from Richard Whittemore and Abbey attorneys.

These people were the only ones making any kind of mental illness claims and it was in defense of my lawsuits against them. I believe they had contacts within the FBI in Portland, Oregon and then in Seattle, Washington. I also know of Jewish who have been very opposed to me and tried to dig up trash about me. I really feel that this had to do more with Kate Middleton than anything else. I cannot think of one other reason why they were so interested in me. And while I respect the privacy of others, I cannot allow people to think I'm nuts and be a human sacrifice for the pride of royalty. There were some "reasons" for me to believe a few jewish were worried about me for some reason and I am not delusional or making it up.

Based on what the man from Nigeria said, the doctors at MTMHI got all of their paperwork against me, from the FBI.

This made me think about the article from The Willamette Week that was in the hands of the immigration officer in Canada. I saw this and saw the comment in documents that were in my own lawyer's hands which said "Washington authorities have said Ms. Garrett is paranoid schitzophrenic."

I had always wondered WHICH "Washington authorities" this was referring to.

I'm starting to put "2 & 2" together.

If it was the FBI, this would be why the FBI then turned a cold shoulder on me for all of my complaints of vandalism, robbery, public corruption, and harm that was done to me and my son.

It would be self-protective and of self interest to continue to defame me and even, in the face of a potential lawsuit, to attempt to PIN a diagnosis that matched what they said, on me, because it would be the only way they escaped liability for defamation of my character.

If they were the ones who falsely accused me of being "paranoid schitzophrenic", when I was not, and when I had zero diagnosis and had, in fact, been CLEARED of this by 2 mental health professionals, this would put them in a very bad position.

I figured it was Wenatchee and later understood it could have been Department of State as well, for an international matter, but I still remember how the ONE thing that made the Canadians pause mid-sentence, was when I mentioned the FBI.

I need the FBI on my side.

But if there are persons within the FBI who have alliances that have been adversarial to me, people could have been doing eachother "favors". And with the right people standing in the way who have FBI authority, and who "know" others who are even higher up, the motive would have been to do anything in their power to continue to cover up defamation and the associations they had with others who were defaming me from the first.

This would mean people could even pull strings with those who are in other "agencies" or groups.

So when I see the FBI doing nothing to protect me or my son, and working almost against us, and then I get confirmation it is someone in the FBI that wanted me to go to Vanderbilt ER (where I could be rolled away to the nuthouse), and then someone in the FBI giving MTMHI derogatory information about me, one of the major suspects that comes to the surface IS

The FBI.

Not everyone in the FBI. But the good ones and concerned ones, have been pushed out of the way and blocked.

I am not paranoid schitzophrenic. I find it very interesting that some group is trying so desperately to make this "fit", come Hell (for them) or high water (swim baby, swim).

There is some kind of major, MAJOR corruption within the FBI.

It is not possible that all these things could happen to me and my son if this were not true.

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