Monday, January 24, 2011

"Lemon Flavored Coffee" at Starbucks (confirmed drugged)

I have to ask the Starbucks staff, where I'm at.

But I am wondering why the sample of espresso that I got had a lemon flavoring in it and the ...

I just checked.

My drink was tampered with, by someone at Starbucks again.

And I am having the same fucking antihistamine effect that the antipsychotics give.

I just confirmed it.

FUCK Starbucks and their employees.

This is how I confirmed it:

They gave me a sample of espresso, of their new coffee, along with lemon flavored pieces of poundcake. As if eating a piece of lemon flavored poundcake might cause me to NOT notice that the coffee is lemon flavored itself.

I discovered what they had done when 2 things happened:

1. The antihistamine effect took place (I had better go to the mirror now and see if my fucking eye is droopy now), and

2. I had a "second" sample of the very same thing and there was ZERO lemon flavor.

Since WHEN do fucking Starbucks employees engage in non-consensual medication of their customers?

I am also getting a familiar pain, aching feeling in the bones or joints sort of, that I had with the medication.

There are two Starbucks employees here now.

This is the SECOND confirmed time I have had my coffee drugged by a Starbucks employee.

I went to the bathroom and checked and my eye is now droopy too. And it wasn't before. It's harder to tell because I have a lot of eye make-up on right now.

The workers who are and were present are being named and then I am naming this Starbuck's location:

1. Brian
2. Marissa
3. Sharon

This is the downtown Nashville Starbucks off of 5th and Church St.

After I posted this, one of them had a security officer come over to me and say I had to leave because of an "incident". I said what incident? there were all these witnesses around who are still here, and I created no commotion. I told security that I had asked for the name of the store manager and that was it. Which is true, and can be confirmed by anyone here (there was a line of 5-8 people).

The name of this store's manager is, they told me, "Christy Roland".

I asked the security person to confirm with individuals here (who are all leaving but I asked one to stay behind who said he would confirm there was "NO incident"). The gentleman's name who was kind enough to stay behind and confirm that there was no incident and that I only asked for the store manager's name is Alan.

I find it interesting that someone attempted to defame me again and disparage my name.

I just found out the name of the guy who works here is "Ryan",, NOT Brian. He is short, a little bit stubby, and wears glasses.

So then the manager of the building just came over to me and he said I was being asked to leave and that Ryan had the say.

The building manager said his name was "John Lewis" (right or not) and said I would have a few minutes to wrap up before calling Metro police.

I asked two men who were in line at this time, if they would confirm there was no incident and that I only asked for the name of the store manager. They said okay and confirmed this to "John Lewis".

Then an officer came in and I asked him just now to confirm with these 2 men that there was no "incident". If they are not going to lie, they will do this.

The officer is a black man who is now present but I don't have his name.

However, last time I was medicated without my consent at a Starbucks, the employees name was "Esther" and police were present. Metro police. For some reason.

I told the officer I'm happy to leave but I didn't appreciate having my name disparaged. So I asked him to check.

He just came back and said these men both said they didn't see anything.

I told the officer, Andre Johnson, that I was then happy to leave, having this confirmed at least.

I am not going to publish the names of the 2 gentlemen who confirmed there was no incident of notice (this is a very small Starbucks and any incident WOULD have been noticed if it had occured).

And now I am going to leave and never drink Starbucks coffee again.

I might use a Starbucks for wifi, but if I buy anything, it will be bottled or canned.

Good Luck Starbucks.

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