Monday, January 24, 2011

234 CYG TN and State or Mossad? (undecided about Mosche)

Some asshole with the TN plates above was getting his kick of the day with what happened to me at the last Starbucks so I made sure he was noted.

Then, I went to the hotel where the U.S. Army Corp has a conference. Lucky me.

I am not staying in the U.S.

However, I am getting better discernment on who to trust with some international people. For example, I would think that an adversary of the U.S. is Iran. Right?

But then I am targeted or approached by Iranians who are NOT true Iranians and who work for the U.S. or even Mossad.

I'm figuring out the bullshit.

Just because someone was born in Iran does not mean they are going to help me. They could be doing everything they can to stand in my way. I was born in the U.S. This doesn't mean I have to be loyal to the U.S.

I want nothing to do with the U.S. after what this country has done to me and my son.

I also want nothing to do with "pretenders" who tell me they are from Iran or that they are "Muslim" and yet who have their allegiance with the same U.S. fuckers that have harmed me and my son. If they are already living in the U.S., as an Iranian, to me, they are suspect. They would only be living in the U.S. if the U.S. fully "approved" of them.

And I do not need international "friends" who are in cahoots with U.S. abusers and torturers.

Honestly though, the U.S. has been setting things up for this. For me to feel forced to move, and then move, abroad.

They hope, to a adversarial country which is what their strategy has been, judging by their actions. I wonder if they got this "strategy" from James Cartright.

The objective is to pick my brain and use me the best they can, so that in the event that I make an international connection with someone, they are able to read me. Sort of like being a "spy" without wanting to be a spy. In the meantime, they abuse my son and train him for use by the U.S. They were never going to give me my son.

When I say "spy" without wanting to be a spy, I mean, this is when the U.S. uses someone for their own psychics and military, to test their abilities, and then attempt to judge to what extent they are able to control or read a person (me for example).

I might be valuable in an adversarial country, I'm sure they think.

Wouldn't it be great to hook me up with a double agent?

That way, they could get me into an adversaries camp without even informing me of their intentions to use me in that capacity, for U.S. interests, and not considering the best interests of my family (me and my son).

By the way, yes, I'm done. I am "Done" with the bullshit and I am informing other countries about what I have been through.

If I were with a double agent who didn't tell me he was a double agent, they could play several sides and gather information after they've already tested U.S. agents on how well those agents are able to read me or predict my movements. With a good psychic, who is able to read minds (and they are out there, as many countries know), I could be living in a totally different country, gathering information for the U.S. without my knowledge.

The creation of the Zombie Spy. Or "The Spy Who Never Knew They Were A Spy".

Like it hasn't happened before.

Therefore, I am announcing (as if it needs to be announced) that I am useless to any truly adversarial country which might offer me sanctuary.

I am apt to give away confidences, secrets, and information, without even knowing or wanting to.

And because I choose not to be "a spy" for the U.S. or anyone else, I will not put any other country that is truly helpful or a friend to me and my son, in danger. This rules out the major countries that have an adversarial relationship with the U.S.

It means if I leave, I will have to be accepted by a country that sort of just doesn't care, and only believes in civil rights and wants to help on a humanitarian basis alone. A country that believes I am not mentally ill and that I and my son have been abused and used in the U.S. A country that believes I should not be medicated. And yet a country that is not of great importance or interest to the U.S. one way or the other. It would have to be a country where I could live and mingle freely and no one is very anxious that I would be unintentionally giving away classified or even non-classified information.

I refuse to assist the U.S. in any form or fashion after what they have done. I also refuse to assist any other country that has used me in collusion with the U.S.

Basically, if you ARE a "real spy" or have any kind of importance to your country, and are not working with the U.S., you probably already know that I am damaged goods.

I am good for nothing else than to be used like a lab rat and suffer and held down or manipulated for the interests of others.

When it comes to security, if you need security, I am of no use and I am a liability.

However, if I manage to figure out which country would simply have compassion and just leave me alone, this is the country for me. One which will not damage me but which will also not be damaged by me, without my trying.

I have to find a country that puts a greater emphasis on human rights than the U.S.

The U.S. would already know that the major countries which are learned about psychic work and mind control...they already know I'm useless to their country and that I am a liability. Either the U.S. intended to keep me here and use me forever, without compensation, and for some, in retaliation for their imagined insults, or the U.S. thought they could hook me up with a country that is more ignorant of psychic work and which yet still has some kind of value to the U.S.

By the way, Anna Chapman came to mind yesterday while I was in chapel, while I was being burned with technology in a church service with the pastor saying, "Maybe you don't know if this feeling is GOD or if what this is, but just go with it."

Right. I mention Anna because I think she is going to become a stronger Christian for some reason. It came to mind and I don't think the U.S. would put that in my mind either. They don't care whether I think she's going to become a stronger Christian or not. They care about politics, not religion, unless religion influences the politics.

So I say this, just as a note of something I feel I'm supposed to say, from God maybe and not from any human being.

However, my insights which are often God-given, are being tampered with and manipulated by the U.S. and some other internationals, for their own causes. And then I am called "crazy" in order to allow experimentation and research to continue.

Not to mention the common assholes who, for example, agree to tamper my coffee and then line up in a predictable fashion, already set up and hoping what I do and say will follow the planned or predicted course.

After "John Lewis" met me at the Starbucks, I was introduced to a "Jennifer Morris" and they both kept saying, "Wow" when there was not even placement for a "Wow" but just to be annoying. John, of course, wearing "blue" and Jennifer wearing "pink" and they wished to come out together, with the prompting of the kindly police officer that was wearing Old Spice.

What idiots.

The stretch is beyond belief. I am already on the look-out and noticing anyone who exhibits a fucking "droopy eye" and then I see people acting like robots for sideshow roles that make them look like mindless followers. These people are not leaders. They are followers. And there are a lot of them in the U.S. John and "Jennifer" actually went so far as to have me "trespassed" from their building forever, for no good reason at all. Seriously, no good reason and zero evidence of my having caused a problem when really, the problem is that I blogged about THEIR issues and illegal violations of human rights. Complicity.

So then everyone was supposed to watch as I ran, hopefully, to cry on the shoulder of the next person in line, the Iranian who I once went out with and who I know is not a true Iranian. I had the idea cross my mind he is actually in with Mossad. But maybe it's just the U.S.

See? I am a liability. Which is why it's best for the psychic and military and government assholes to go along with the religiously-motivated assholes, and just collectively call me crazy.


Maybe the adversarial countries will have a small ounce of respect for me after this post and maybe not, but it's not as if they can do anything about it, or help. Their hands are tied. And I understand part of the reason why.

The only way the U.S. was going to let me go, when they have put so much time, energy, and money into me, was if I was more valuable in another capacity.

It didn't work out.

So I am stuck in another round of charades which is worse than it was before, or at least comparable. Knowing too, that I have fewer options now. And knowing that the longer I am in the U.S., the more my value decreases for any other country. I'm old as it is, anyway.

I think the U.S. assholes in charge of all of this, are fuckers. And it's not everyone in the U.S., I know. But there are a lot of fuckers at the top who control a lot of what happens with everyone else, or at least who exert influence over others.

Last night I couldn't sleep. Why? Because I was being tortured again.

The first month, there was hardly any of this kind of thing. But the assholes had time to move in and position themselves.

I was assigned to a top bunk where I was suddenly being assaulted with technology again. And I am not kidding. It was coming in waves and with each wave, my heart jumped (just once) and I saw a current as I was opening up my eyes to try to figure out where it was coming from. It was a gold current like when you see "stars" but instead of stars, it was a gold line that was wavy.

I had been laughing to myself last night over some of the funnier things I wrote about yesterday, and then I was trying to sleep, and there was an overheating at the same time this pulsing or waves thing was happening.

I had my eyes closed but opened them when my heart jumped, and when I would open my eyes, I saw this short gold or yellow colored line in a curve. It was noticeable enough and in a strong enough, repeated pattern with timed increments, that I knew it wasn't my heart acting up from the meds. It was technology again.

Someone expected me to go to the bottom bunk. Which I did. As predicted. Because when assholes torture others, this is usually what they will do: the predictable. Try to move out of the way.

So then, as planned, the woman who had this bottom bunk regularly, who was the one who went to school with nuns, came in to have me kicked out. I didn't know it was taken because it was my first night in a new location and it had been free. She came in from work.

As soon as I moved to the lower bunk, immediately my body started cooling down to where I was almost cold. It was instantaneous. And also, the waves and heart problems quit entirely. I had zero problems.

The other thing that occured was that when I was moving from the field of energy around the top bunk, down to the bottom bunk, there was a temporary ringing in my ears which was very strong. Then it totally quit, my body cooled down, and I had zero heart jumps in a timed and repeated manner. No more gold or yellow outlines either.

There were women in the room who knew what was going on. And I knew that these would be the women who were still awake and not snoring, and unable to fall asleep because they were wanting to know what my reaction was.

One woman got off of her top bunk and left for the bathroom. I don't know who was doing this, or who was cooperating.

I know that when the Nun-School woman came back in, she brought staff with her and I said I didn't want a top bunk because my new meds were causing me to feel as though I might fall out of bed. They insisted I stay on that top bunk. I said I would rather sleep on the hard, cold, concrete floor in the "dayroom". They tried to refuse and I said I would call the men's shelter and ask why not. Then they let me and it was all about where I decided to take my place on the fucking floor. Every single thing I do is watched and reported. It is completely ridiculous.

I slept on a cold, hard, concrete floor with lights on all night. No cushion. Just one thin blanket and 2 sheets.

The U.S.A. is a great place to live. The next morning I walked downtown, past a train with carts that looked like concentration camp carts. Which I am writing about, because someone hoped and predicted I would notice this and decide to write about it.

Then I went to the Starbucks where the whole "need to medicate her and then trespass her" scene was planned, and had other things going on. Certain people came in and my heart would have the burning and then this tight feeling.

I left and went to the other cafe, where they predictably had pens that matched the same kind of pen the Officer Andre had lined up in his police officer pocket. And I disregarded the Iranian man who is not a real Iranian. And then I walked right into the hotel where the U.S. Army Corp is having their conference.

I'm sure none of this has to do with them.

I and my son are only left alone if some high ranking or important man wants to fuck me and takes a liking to me and asks others to leave me alone and out of respect, they listen. Or money. The right amount of money talks.

Doesn't it.

I'm not very pretty anymore, I'm older, and I'm damaged goods.

So who wants to give me a chance?

My miracle will be when 1 country gives me a chance to get the hell out of here, and realizes that I may be able to contribute a lot, but that I also carry risks and I am not young.

I might have potential to make money for another country, with abilities I use of my own free will, or maybe, some might think, I would cost too much.

And the only people who will fully believe me on this, are probably the adversarial or somewhat neutral countries that cannot have anything to do with me--Which I would respectfully not wish to compromise anyway.

The plan, in the meantime, for my true enemies, is great. Have me write about this, call it mental illness, and try to admit me again.

I have a great future in the United States of America.

I see healings and get some things from God and not man, and see Obama's femur, for nothing. This was exciting enough to increase the level of interest from U.S. and maybe a few international assholes.

Since I have been in this business center where the U.S. Army is, I have had the heart burning and tightness in my chest and then it's been stopped, and then started again, and then stopped, and then started again.

But none of this is military influenced. Right.

I go outside to the fresh air and walk around with zero problems. I get cornered in a location, and this shit starts up.

As long as I am called crazy, the military can downplay what they're doing and at the same time, my enemies are allowed to assault me and my son and enjoy it.

I am at the Homewood Suites in Nashville, TN, where the U.S. Army Corp is having their wonderful conference. How do I know? I walked in and saw the big sign for the conference room.

I was (have been) in the business center using one of the computers here. I have my own laptop turned off and the battery is out. So the overheating and technology stuff here has not been from my laptop.

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