Monday, January 24, 2011

Email FROM FBI, D.C. Offices Retracted

I was just now checking my email and went to the junk mail.

There was an email, it said from D.C. FBI. And it looked real. But maybe it's junk that everyone is getting.

Why it went to my junk mail I don't know.

It had the title: Robert (initial or middle name) Mueller III, as who it was from, and then in the title space it had something about from Washington D.C.

I clicked on it and an FBI seal was at the top.

Nothing looked phoney about it. I clicked on it while on the Hilton Duckwood Suites hotel computer. I guess someone might be able to confirm this email was there.

But then there was a safety warning (like I get for mail from the Obama email campaign msgs) and I accidentally clicked not safe but then right away clicked, "Wait, this is safe".

It disappeared.

It's not in my junk mail box or in my deleted box or sent box. It just disappeared without a trace.

Also, I have not had the overheating or problems with technology here since I posted my location and how I knew the U.S. Army was here. Someone stopped what they were doing.

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