Monday, January 24, 2011

Overheating with Army Corps of Engineers & Colombia

The overheating at the hotel with Army Corps of Engineers occured the whole time I was there. It only stopped for about 20 minutes, after I mentioned my location, which was around the same time there was an explosion in Moscow which makes me wonder if someone quit for a minute to see if someone they knew (from any variety of countries) was affected.

I believe the woman who was doing things in the dorm last night is black. I had a different incident where the woman was black. And I have nothing against black, obviously, but I am stating this to let them know I'm not stupid and I'm keeping track and so is someone else.
Then I left because someone is psychic and knew I'd leave at that moment? No. I left because suddenly someone was preventing me from being able to open up any of my emails. So I had to go.
Someone who was having far too much fun over me and tracking me, who wasn't even from this state, was a black man with plates HNT 803 and they were lavendar with yellow in the middle. Why he was getting off over me I don't know, but when I see this kind of behavior from out-of-state it makes me wonder.
I would be able to identify someone who was involved with some things going on in Seattle by the hostel dates and ID (you have to have your ID copied).
No one in the FBI or police there bothered to even ask but I could positively identify a tall and large black man who pretended to befriend me while he carried something with him under the table that blasted me and then either this or the fucking soft taco caused me to bleed in the toilet. He and a hispanic group were involved and I can name the taco eatery.
I would also be able to positively identify a couple of others who were stalking me all over the place there. They were white.
Who they are connected to, I don't know, but it would be helpful to at least identify them and connect the fucking dots.
My ex from Colombia has to know who was involved with harming me and my son. I say this because when he was with me, nothing ever happened.
As long as I'm with Alvaro Pardo and his Colombian friends, no one messes with me? At least, I should say, no one tortures me physically? Well what if I don't want to live my life with Alvaro Pardo? What if he doesn't want to live his life with me?
No one tortured me because he was from Colombia? because he was with some other group? or because he was Catholic? The minute we split up, all the same old lies cropped up, and then 3 months later, all of the torture to me and my son started all over again.
Some people NEED TO GO TO JAIL and why the HELL can't the U.S. figure this out?
Figure the fucking shit out.
So WHO was backing the fuck off?
I am very tired of this shit.
I have the right to live a normal life and so does my son and there is no reason this should be happening.
I think some of it might be satellite or some kind of laser that can be directed or other energy because at the Duckwood Suites, I didn't have my own laptop on at all.
This is what I think about some of it.
Where did he go anyway? I haven't talked to my ex and haven't bothered to contact him. I don't know where he is or what the hell he's doing. I don't know who the fuck he's sleeping with either but I could put a bet on the fact that she is NOT being fucking TORTURED. He hasn't tried to contact me either.
It ended in December with the big Chile earthquake and a call in the middle of the night with one ring. And that was the end. What the fuck happened? Was this when Kate Middleton began her grooming detail? Because around that time, and before, Jewish people everywhere around me. And british. And australian.
I looked at all of the news today: cnn, bbc, and other stuff. On bbc there was a photo of Kate Middleton's hand. So I checked out her nails. She's not being fucking tortured or poisoned either.
I noted she has very pretty fingers, and the same manicure I had while I worked at the D.C. pub. And I saw she has NO lines, grooves, or coloring that would indicate she is a victim of any kind of technology shit.
I will say one thing. ONE time when I was with my Ex, something happened. Something that was like what I and my son went through before I was with him or after him. Also, for awhile in D.C. I had no problems until I was pregnant with my twins. Then some group went after me.
The one thing that happened with my Ex was one night we got into an argument or fight. I said I was going to sleep on the couch in the living room. My back wasn't really hurting at all until I did and then it was so severe I had to go to ER for medication (narcotics). It was super bad. I never thought about it until later, but the way that my back started hurting, lower back was more like the ultrasound or other technology-induced pain I've experienced.
It was only once. It only happened one time the whole time I was with him. I joked that I must be the pea princess if I couldn't handle a sleep sofa but he wasn't very happy with the idea that I was going to leave his bed (which was admitedly comfortable) to go into the other room and sleep on the hide-a-sofa. The pain was similiar to the pain I felt which precipitated my early labor with my son, when I was at a BBQ with my supervisor from Argentina and her retired Army husband (Russ and Olga Strong).
I never tried to sleep on that hideabed again.
I initially never questioned my pre-term labor but looking back, it was odd and the feeling in the lower back was exactly like what I experienced when I tried to go sleep on the sofabed. I had gone into pre-term labor after some odd backpain, about 1 1/2 months early. I could hardly walk, in the very same manner I experienced with Alvaro on the hideabed occasion. I mean, I was incapacitated in the exact same way, and yet then I attributed it to the labor and with Alvaro I attributed it to being a "pea princess" and maybe some strange acting up of my back from getting hit or pushed by the one Nigerian woman (that's in the past, but just saying). Yet, when I went into labor later, at the right time, I never had that same kind of pain and when I thought about it later, the pain was really too extreme to be natural for just changing beds. I was hunched over, could barely walk, had to breathe very carefully, and had the most intense aching pain, unbelievable, in my lower back.
It was the same thing.
It was the only time I ever had a problem with physical pain of any kind (that was really seeming extreme or unnatural POSSIBLY) when I was together with Alvaro. I think there was another housemate downstairs at the time: Henry. Then there was a woman upstairs with a door separating. I thought it was a little strange, but only in hindsight. I think it occured to me at that time too but I pushed it out of mind.
I'm not mentally ill and all I want is to live a normal life with my son. Someone please take me seriously.

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