Sunday, January 23, 2011

bird brackets {my original poem of the day}

bird brackets
my wrist
a bony wish
catching the echo
in the glass
of "i think,
and therefore i am"
congenital bow
of thoughts

( i admit, i like my poem, at least right now, composed in a spare 5-10 minutes. sort of haiku maybe? i don't know but i like it for now. i thought of it as i saw the reflection of my wrist raising a coffee cup to my lips in a starbucks window)
Hey! these meds make me crazier CRAZIER, but in a creative way!

(just kidding)

I listened to this ship is bananas by gwen stephani
i realized, as I am sitting across from The Downtown Presbyterian Church, that I must have had this in my subconscious when I was in the nuthouse because I drew something that came to me in a half-waking state, for a painting or art piece.

I tried to sketch it out. I probably have it in my pocket somewhere.

In my dream though, it was a little different than my sketch. I imagined it though, it wasn't really a dream. I first saw two trees or bases, with gold or metal kinds of baskets at the top and then a faberge egg in the basket. There was something in the middle, not just space, a river or something but I don't know what. Then after I got up, later that day I sketched the design of the bases and then a faberge egg in the center of each and then thought if it was a collage or mixed medium piece, I would have cheap supermarket easter egg grass lining the baskets and then the real faberge egg sitting on top of it.

But then when I sketched it, I drew these on top of a rock that was surrounded by a pond and a tree growing out of the rock to the side.

And then I sat here and noticed this tree growing out of the same side, but next to this church and there are two pillars on either side of the church.

I drew a little mini cross at the top of the eggs and then after I was done I looked at it again and said, "Oh no. It looks royal. Like the orb or something."

I'll try to find it and then post it online. You'll see what I mean.

I wasn't really sketching though. It was absent-minded doodling with a little of the idea in my mind.

Having said this, am I staying in the U.S.? No.

The U.S. fucked up and has allowed abuse of both me and my son. I am going to greener pasture and not in some fucking U.S. insane asylum. I don't want anything to do with any of my exes either. They fucked up too. It's over. All of it, and for good.

If you weren't there for the hard times, you're not going to be with me at all.

I can count very few true friends.

I guess I'll put my photos on a different post. The next one, and then go back to the one about how I was assaulted and drugged against my will.

My next boyfriend will be Protestant Christian. Period. That's another thing.

If you went to Harvard and you're Protestant Christian, you're still out of luck.

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