Sunday, January 23, 2011

Punishment after royalty speak

I don't know if there is a correlation, but I was thinking about the kinds of things that have happened to me and when they occur and there has been a more recent correlation of bad things happening after I blog about something royal where I am not looking very put down.

It is almost like some group decides it is then time to put me down even further. I was ridiculed and mocked, and punished in jail, and falsely arrested, after quipping almost a year ago about Kate Middleton and then the day after I bring up the skirt matter or even mention her at ALL, I end up having certain international people attack viciously.

Which makes me wonder if some of this is coming top-down from the East Coast, or if others just seize the moment to create more mayhem for me, or, it also makes me seriously wonder if her family is involved with some major drug ring that has power internationally.

Or, what is it? some in the U.S. have to have her "in" because they know her family's politics and therefore support her?

It's not as though I've ever suggested she is "out" or that I have any say at all. But it's strange, when I think of it.

If I am not a concern at all, then why am I still being attacked on the heels of something I write or say with regard to her or some royal...?

Why is anyone even bothering to try to put me down further than I was before? aside from wanting to, as one might put it, "extinguish all hope"

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