Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Food and Drink

Do you have any clue, what it is like to be medicated and poisoned too?

Because your enemies know you're medicated and so they think they can throw in some "extras"?

I ate some peanuts at this hotel and thought, "Why am I sitting here eating peanuts when I should be getting a check from the government that compensates me and my son for what we've been through?"

Then I thought, "Are the peanuts even safe? how do I know?"

And then I was offered coffee but I tasted less than a tiny sip and something tasted funny to me. So I'm not drinking it. Then I noticed this guy was looking into my cup later, through the tiny sip hole in the lid to see how much I had.

Two female bartenders and the security guy and a manager or something gave it to me. At the Sheraton in Nashville.

I called WA state to request a Fair Hearing that was expedited. They told me it might take a reaally long time, because, they said, "the governor has put a freeze on some things and it might be a long time before you have a hearing." I said, "I hope Ms. Gregoire figures out a way for this to be expedited."

Then I copied the FBI person on it as well as my social workers.

I talked to someone who said their name was "Heather" in Olympia. I wasn't given a code or number for my hearing though, which I might need. I gave her my email address which she said she'd use to email me the info with. So far, I haven't received anything.

Pentagon, guess what? I deserve to be compensated and able to protect myself and my own son.

Also, I started having the burning thing happen but there is a teen in the lobby and others milling about, and probably if someone is given something that is easy to detect from another vantage, this helps with being able to target someone.

At this point, I believe my own government would give me dangerous and even radioactive substances to digest or drink.

How am I being proven wrong?

Instead, all of the obstruction is beyond creepy.

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