Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Military Use of Me in Wenatchee (after D.C.)

There was other military use of me in Washington D.C.

Then I was in Wenatchee and people trapped me to be forced to have no living options other than with men who used me for experimentation on behalf of the military and I suspect, the CIA.

Most of it was related to mind control, tracking me and what I did, and making predictions about me, as well as testing their psychic abilities on me and also trying to program me or elicit reactions in me through their projections.

I could give a full testimony like any victim of mind control abuse.

Hillary Clinton is a hypocrite, in my opinion, for apologizing to victims from the past who were used for mind control and psychic research, when the very same thing is being done now.

A lot of it has been done with gang involvement. But the CIA has always been tied to the mafia and gangs. And doctors who do horrible things in the name of science and research.

There is no way the U.S. doesn't know about my son and I, not after all the interest they've had, and yet they still allowed things to happen to my son.

One woman who gave me a place to stay short-term, in Wenatchee, had all of her contacts through the military. And I realized later, "This is the same woman who went out of her way to befriend me when I was pregnant with my son." She disappeared and then when I was blogging out of desperation, to get out of this situation, I even offered my psychic abilities in exchange for housing. She gave me a place and the people there were all doing the same thing and she was tied in with it too.

Then I was forced out and I had to live with this retired Army man who practiced all of his stuff on me. He did this kind of thing for the government and then gave me Army military gear. So I could wear Army gear while the military exploited me. I had horrible things happen there and the people upstairs were not military per se, but 100% wiccan and did the same psychic and weird stuff with rituals. I can give specific examples. He did so many weird things and harassed me and if I said anything about royal family at all, like about a dream, or anything, he didn't like it. And then he thought it was funny when I was choking on a fishbone. He and the other housemates did all kinds of psychic testing things with me.

Before this I was forced to stay with Theo Keyes, whose father is still in the Army. He used technology on me (and I heard when he put something in and then when he removed it) and did all kinds of horrible things and was extremely abusive. The police did nothing.

They used one of their own officers for this kind of thing. One of the officers was into the psychic shit and didn't even hide it. He was one who was always trying to get into my space.

There was an older man who was a veteran and he was picking my brain and had done some psychic work when he was younger and in the Air Force.

I basically was shuffled from one psychic experimenter or military person who had these abilities, to the next. I guess it gave some of them turns with experimenting with me and reporting back. Not only that, it made me look bad because Wenatchee was discriminating against me and refusing me housing so I was forced to stay with these people. There were only a couple of shelters and the women there deliberately insulted me, used their own technology against me, lied and kicked me out. It was horrible. I was kicked out of a housing program that had federal monies, by discrimination, and I believe now, with help from the state and the federal government because they were the ones who wanted to control things with my life.

I stayed with another man who said he hadn't been military but I received some very off food through him, discovered the webcam had been pointed my way, found out my internet had been connected to a larger network for others to see, and I had a couple of very odd experiences where I woke up and found myself not the same as before. Physical stuff like something had happened but I didn't remember any of it. For example, waking up to find my rear felt torn and it wasn't clean and I don't do anything "like that" and if I'd been in my right mind I would have remembered. And then my son's fingers were cut.

Before him, a different Army person and I felt there was some kind of surveillance in his apartment. I can't prove it but this is what I felt. He stole things out of my bag that proved people were giving me stuff that looked like gang or mind game work, at even the Wenatchee Valley clinic.

Before this, a man who was into psychic stuff and I think he was somehow tied to other intel. He wasn't military as far as I knew, but something else. And the technology stuff happened there too, along with my being medicated and also feeling very strongly that I had been hypnotized.

That's just a year of my life in Wenatchee, after I was deliberately forced out of work and housing.

Before that, I tried shelters as I tried to work and get on unemployment but persons in the gov blocked me from getting this money. They wanted me to be left with nothing. I tried for 1 1/2 years and only got harassment and people dropping the ball and lying.

Before this, some guy who was Army came along right after my ex-fiance. He watched as I went to the door and looked out into the distance and then saw lights come on as the plane took off. He was part of manipulating me as much as any of them.

All of these people stole from me. They all took personal belongings.

I found out that right next to Wenatchee was a very large community of highest ranking military, who had retirement places in Leavenworth.

I wasn't given any opportunity to work because then they couldn't use me. They also didn't want me to have my son, whom they were using.
It wasn't just about U.S. military. There were other things going on and people who wanted to get me out of the way.

My son was coming to visits like he'd been programmed by someone and I could tell it wasn't my aunt or uncle. Sometimes, he was speaking other languages even and he wasn't himself. He was going into the rooms, were which set up ahead of time, and acting like he was on remote control or had been brain washed.

He was also tortured.

In every classic CIA style there is for torturing someone and using mind control.

The visitation monitors were taking notes that made me sound crazy that weren't even me but they also were documenting little things like what toy he chose to pick up and play with and what he said, and this would be normal if the whole thing was oddly clinical.

I found out in court that every single person involved in my son's custody case had strong military connections. I asked all of them, under oath, and all of them did. Except for the Judge, who was Catholic, and then this was the other thing, all the people with power in this case, controlling things, were Catholic. I still have to post names.

I would say, if they're great people and good Catholics, why would I even notice this? but I noticed they were lying a lot and then found this out.

The supervisor who refused to correct my benefits when she could have, was Donna Titleman, who is Jewish. All she had to do was make a quick correction and she refused to do this.

But obviously, some people of almost any religion are easily bought. So I've been surprised by a few things.

Medical people were doing all kinds of things with me.

By the way, all that military stuff and being tortured by others too, this was just a quick account of the last year. There is much more.

I would really like to find more modern-day victims of mind control, who have had things done to them and/or their children and who have started to realize some things.

I believe I am a top interest for some reason. But there have to be others who have things being done to them who are not consenting and don't want themselves or their kids to be part of it who are being pressured and forced into it.
The other aspect of this, with a couple of people I stayed with, was concurrent harassment about Kate or William or royal stuff.

This was very bizarre because often it would increase and there was such a high level of constant torture and use of military technology, I was sounding like a freak and having reactions that were normal for this kind of duress, but were not showing a normal healthy person that was inherent in me. It brought out horrible things and it was unbearable.

The other thing was that I was given, several times, something that just sucked the life out of my face. It was like someone was giving me "ugly-her-up meds" or some kind of medication or drug. I couldn't figure out if it was from the technology stuff or these weird meds I was getting. I never had dark circles under my eyes, but something was sucking collagen out of my face on a very odd rate. Which sounds like vanity or excuses or something, but I am really not kidding. I remember when I first got away from Wenatchee, and went to Walla Walla and Spokane, all of a sudden my skin started to come back to normal. And I wasn't being tortured day and night either so I figured I wasn't eating or drinking something or not being tortured. It wasn't psychological because I was as stressed out as ever, but all of a sudden I wasn't being tortured as much.

I then had someone tamper with my drink which caused severe stomach pain and bad reactions.

I am really not sure about the dark circle thing but it is extremely obvious to me.

I guess someone wanted me doped up, experimented with, tortured, and uglier too. And sounding nuts is always good for a cause .

But that's sort of an aside.

I have not described the worst of it.

I didn't stay at that shelter tonight because after being treated this way, and medicated and sedated and then called crazy, and knowing my son is not safe, spurs me on to write more.

And I decided after the FBI snub that this was the night I wrote about the Pentagon man, briefly.

If I have to save more for the media, I will. My son is the one who might benefit from media attention, more than anyone.

I was reading ultrasound sometimes increases collagen but microwave waves or technology using this will eat away at collagen. It is even used in surgery because it will kill off and burn off tissue. I am reading on microwave and collagen: "...impairment in collagen tissue distribution..." articles about how this kind of frequency immediately destroys collagen.

That's even for non-thermal.

Ultraviolet light also destroys collagen but I don't know how this is used in technology. I've been to a tanning bed only a few times and I know this isn't it.

This is kind of interesting. Ultraviolet light and infrared (spectroscopy) is useful for detecting plutonium. I think plutonium is what some citizens have been given for experimentation in the past and now I'm reading if this was in a body, it would help detect that person.

I know that when this was happening to me when I still had visits with my son, I could tell the same thing happened to him because of these dark circles under his eyes that were not natural for him.

I read dark circles under eyes occur from collagen loss which happens with microwave or infrared/ultraviolet weapons.

People tortured my son. Dark circles sounds vague, but there were many other very obvious signs.

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