Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Human Trafficking: Senate Bill 2925 (why did this not become law?)

Why didn't this bill become a law? It mainly protects kids from being sex slaves in the U.S. and takes care of gangs' reportedly #2 most profitable "enterprise".

It passed the senate and house almost unanimously but I looked it up on the govt. site and it says that "differences not resolved" and then "president didn't sign it".

The govt. site I checked for this bill is in the above link. Hey, just discovered the modern way to post a link without cut & paste!

I had people talking to me about this, who did work in D.C., before I ever even had my own child. I think it was before this time, or maybe I had just had him. I still remember my conversation with a man at the Hastings bookstore about this very issue.

It says that since that Congress session closed, it wasn't made law. So I wonder if someone can reintroduce a similar bill.

1 comment:

  1. I've never been able to find good details on why it didn't make it through, but from what I understand, everyone agreed the bill should pass, but they couldn't agree on wording of specific clauses.

    This stuff happens all the time, but not usually on a bill with so much attention and so close to the end. Usually it's about funding, how a law will be funded or what's being funded ect.
