Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Interference on Computer & Arsenic (FBI)

Someone is actively interfering with my computer. About the time my youtube quit working and just started to spin, the technology crap started up again, and then in addition, someone started smushing my sentences together. I have been typing with spaces, or double-spaces inbetween my lines and they are all running together.

All of these things started happening at the same time.

My guess is that whoever is involved, is highly skilled at all forms of technology, from computer skills to non-lethal weapons and other technology.

I cannot find a link between high cholesterol and arsenic. I find one between lithium or anti-psychotics and high cholesterol.
After finding out that arsenic can have a metallic taste, I wondered if it can also burn the skin on contact, because the tip of my tongue was burned.

I found out, this is exactly what it does.

Inorganic arsenic creates burns to the skin or eyes. Voila.

Which means that in at least one case, with the women with the cigarettes, I can find reasonable cause. And since they were well dressed, attractive, white women in Seattle, I can also guess that there might be a significant power connection. Based on the reaction to me by the Seattle FBI, I would even guess these women are somehow connected to people in the Seattle FBI offices. I was deliberately blocked from making any report.

This treatment would implicate certain persons within the Seattle FBI.

Which means this is a very big deal and that someone wants desperately to ruin me and have me discredited with accusations of mental illness. So they can protect THEIR daughters from Jail.

These persons would also pull strings and do whatever they could to get D.C. involved to instruct Nashville, TN to not do anything.

Someone would be interested enough in obstructing justice no matter where I went. I can't say it's someone in the FBI, but based on Seattle FBI treatment, I believe it is someone with connections or access to the FBI at the very least.

The women were wearing black and yellow and looked like bees. Both of them.

That's just one incident.

So there is a freebie.

That scenario, the whole thing, was frightening. What was most scary, was how law enforcement was allowing these things to happen and then all the way up to the U.S. Marshalls, making light of it or obstructing justice.

My son suffered in the meantime.

Someone is interested enough to use their dirty FBI and police to keep people intimidated. "You tell on me, I'll tell on you, and I have the power." Someone probably has some kind of blackmail stuff as well, for their own personal protection and insurance. And they would hurt my son and continue to hurt him to make a point.

This is only one of many incidences.

I had someone try to defend these people saying, "Oh, they were just trying to send you a message, not kill you."

And for that...and for trying to make me out to be nuts so I didn't have my son...THEY should be free?

It's okay to obstruct MY freedom of movement, keep me out of work so I'm powerless, defame me, poison and harm both me and my son, and "send me a message", and even send ME to jail on false charges, but THEY are free.

They are free to go clubbing, and have normal relationships, and go to church, and travel, and work, do their hairnetting, whatever they want...

Because the FBI, so far, has been backing them.

I'm gonna say it again--I need the FBI on MY side and it is in the best interests of the FBI to take me seriously.

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