Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jews and Psychics (incl. gypsies) Used for Mind Control

I just found this interesting article from 2006 about how Jews and Gypsies were specifically targeted for psychic research without their consent, and mind control. It says that they tended to be highly intelligent and have natural telepathic abilities (I'm sure it's not all but some) and the scientists discovered these traits made mind control easier and these traits were conducive for best results.

It may not have been as much about race in some cases, as finding an opportunity to use human subjects for gruesome scientific research.

Navy admits doing mind control research.

It talks about people going into trances and then being injected and on at least one occasion, at one of the residences, I think this happened. I had a red mark in my hand like someone had given me a shot and it was sore. But I doubted it.

Then on another occasion, I remember coming out of something like a dream or trance and there was a young man in my room wearing a sweatshirt with a certain pattern and then later a lot o guys were going by wearing the same thing I saw. I thought it was maybe someone returning something to me bc a stolen shirt had been returned to me about that time.

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