Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Middleton & Techniques for Mind Control and Objectives (updated)

Here is new link I've found and just written on January 4, 2011, which makes it a more recent article about mind control and the new experiments or weapons that the U.S. is testing: (updated wiki on mind control)
This is an excellent site. It's a little bit wordy but it explains for the average person, what mind control is about.

It also describes techniques and who they might be used on.

It also describes how others make excuses for it and close loopholes for reporting its occurance.

My son and I do not belong in this country. It is this country that chose to do these things to us or allow others to torture us.

We have a right to be free from humanitarian abuses and the fact that not just medical stuff but poisoning and my reports are being blocked at all, makes the U.S. an offender in human rights categories.

The only problem I find is that this style of writing reminds me of one person I lived with who did torturing himself. It seems weird.
I can testify that some of the things done to me have been "refined" in some senses, like testing out something new and then honing a better product.
Even as I've been in this hotel staying awake all night, this overheating thing has been going on.

Off and on and off and on and it really is something with the laptop proximity so I guess that's satellite, just like the Iranian guy said. Or something odd with my laptop in particular.

All of it looks like experimentation now.

I have people who hate me who are using this as an excuse but this is also being allowed and encouraged.

I also had a very significant increase in this happening after I broke up with ex-fiance Alvaro and whenever I mentioned anything royal.

I am absolutely convinced some felt I was a threat.

I met too many internationals and British who were going out of their way to ask me questions and sort of find out what I had to say, and then I sort of found a few ties between a few men I was forced to live with and UK stuff.

There is no way this was not part of the equation.

I believe it is still part of the equation but that it's not as big of a deal since an engagement was announced.

My guess, was that it wasn't as big of a deal when Kate began grooming in earnest, or when they began to groom her.

I say "groom" because while I hardly read any articles about her, at all, I watched only one clip with her in it, and she was speaking. The woman speaking in that clip is not the same woman that spoke at her engagement (which I didn't watch news of but overheard one small clip).

Her voice was completely different.

She went from having a very upper range and girlish voice where she sounded like she was still in high school and she had nothing remarkable to say either. It gave me the impression of a pretty girl who was more of a follower than a leader and almost british equivalence of valley girl and I was a little shocked. I heard it and couldn't imagine her in any royal role at all, and then that was all I watched, that one clip. It's all I've ever seen. The next thing I know I heard someone talking and it wasn't even the same voice. It was 10 times deeper, modulated, and more deliberate and elegant and mature. It was like she had been seeing Henry Higgens for speech lessons for a year. That was when I realized, "They've been grooming her" and I started thinking back to about how long.

I think about these things and timeline because of things that also picked up against me and my son and the interactions I had with some. There was some group that was so desperate to destroy me as quick as possible, and I did sense some kind of fear that I was a threat in some way.

I am sure that some of the technology stuff has also been done by others who have more international interests and I am also sure of what I saw with certain groups trying to bring me down and break me and my son all the way down, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I don't have a problem with Middleton. What pisses me off, is that some groups viewed ME as a problem in relation to her. And they assaulted me and did horrible things to me and my son in the name of money and politics.

Pat yourself on the back.

And I sense very GOOD energy at this very moment. It's 6:48 a.m. CST and I wish I new why, but I just wrote this and it surged through and it was not technology. It was the holy spirit and something good or someone praying or lifting of someone's spirits.

For me, it's a confirmation of hitting on something that is right. And some kind of agreement somewhere in the universe or with God.

Oh this is at least making me laugh. This music came on that is totally Native American.

Where's the sweat lodge? YMCA will have to do, HOW.

I was thinking about their dances just now and rain dance and wondered if partly I have this thing with weather because of this background ancestry. I also just saw (I think) my favorite weatherman. He looked like he was in a genuinely good mood or having a good moment at least.

I am not kidding. It is very strange, but ahh, at least that's nice. Good energy.

(and it's not from anything I ate or drank because I had just had my coffee and drank it all at once, and it couldn't have absorbed that fast)

I was going to go to Tai Chi but I am writing instead. I'll do Tai Chi later, different day.

Yesterday I did flow yoga, and then I went to advanced yoga, and then I went to kickboxing (I was pretty tired and not hitting all the marks by that time) and then I decided to go for a run and I ran 4 miles at 12:30 pace and then 1 more mile at 12:00 pace.

I wasn't even out of breath so I kind of wondered what was up with me. I must have good cardio and decent balance but I still need to work on strength and then balance and I know to protect my joints.

I am not as sore today as I was yesterday so I worked out all the old lactic acid. But my knee hurts and is swollen bc I hit the pavement last night, skinning my hands and bumping my knee (it's fine now, but just hurts a little).

I did 5 miles because I think that's what my old high school training easy runs were, with the coach for cross country.

This one reporter today reminds me of a high school photo of me, or series of senior high photos. Similiar necklace idea, shirt, and skirt. It is the exact same outfit I wore in photos my ex saw of me, until they were stolen (my photos). The only thing that sort of bothers me is it's so exact it makes me wonder where my photos really went. I know Steve May knows but the police protected him.

I am still wondering why there is good energy because it's like someone just got out of a hostage situation. Or just generally good energy and feeling of prayer. I don't think it's from anyone close in location though. I think it's different.

Anyway, I want someone from the right department to do the investigation that's needed to get my son back and validate me for not being nuts (unless sounding nuts when I'm being tortured counts).

I have been thinking back lately. Thinking back on a lot of things I never thought of before. Small things and this woman is wearing a pearl necklace (a different woman) that is like one I had once too and it's really pretty. It makes me think about the girl with the pearl earring and why was this pointed out to me a few years ago. Just very small things like this when I was oblivious to what happened around me and why.

And again, another strong surge of good energy and not from technology but right after I wrote this.

The other thing I sort of didn't like, was meeting someone who was with the Navy for 16 years. Some of these guys (military)--most, I empathize with and there are true heroes but I don't like running into military in the middle of more mind games and prediction shit.

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