Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Me Today (photos) and My Cat Burglar Photos

Ridiculous or not? "Yes, pick me up at 8?" Well, if you must know, I'm currently residing at the homeless shelter. Shall we eat "in" or do you want to go out?"

I guess I'll put up my photos that made me think of a cat burglar in London. I have no clue why I thought sniper or cat burglar in London, but when I looked at them, I thought this. I took them months ago, in Wenatchee all in the same night I took others I've posted (when I was probably medicated out of my mind and when I know for sure I was being tortured every single day out of my mind).

I have a few from today, and they're the ones with more eye make up and the scarves. It's cold here right now so I wore black trousers, black boots, and then a grey shawl with a silk scarf over it and underneath a long sleeved black shirt. Maybe I should have curled my hair but I plastered it back into a knot.

Lello socks.

These are a little blurry. I took one with the fur because I thought it was funny to then imagine me at the homeless shelter standing next to the black woman with a sable stole and pillbox hat.
We're window shopping for diamonds today! Hooray!
Hmm. I was going to post the cat burglar sniper ones but I think I'll just leave the photos from today and post the other ones later.
So...your bunkbed or mine?
I should erase that. I was just joking around but it probably doesn't sound very good. It made me laugh out loud for a minute, the idea, but I will take it down in a little bit.

Woman to man: "You idiot!" (slaps him hard across the face). "You're falling for a 36 year old homeless woman who sleeps on a bunkbed! What is WRONG with you?!!!"
Man to woman: (touching face where he was slapped). "I don't know. I can't help it."
Woman lunges at man and grabs his shoulders, "WAKE UP!!!! You are going to ruin your life! You're going to ruin MY life. She will ruin everything."
(I then tried to put the link to "Bette Davis Eyes" but I accidentally played Adam Lambert's Whadya Want From Me again).

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