Wednesday, January 12, 2011

hacking now & Colombia

Right after I tried to post the photo and information about my leg, someone hacked in and deleted all of my double spaces and put things into single space so it runs together.

I know that my Ex from Colombia must have some information.

Because there is no reason why all of this torture would quit only if I was with him.

I am not saying Colombians are doing this or allowing this. But they know who is doing it.

So does the U.S. and so does Israel which is why I don't feel Israelis are my friends. If they can allow this to happen to me and my son when they allegedly have "the best intel" in the world, then they know this is happening, and in a very hypocritical fashion, have asked other countries to defend them and their country over and over again but have stood by in silence as my son and I are tortured. They also had an interest in me, and I met too many of them for them to not know who I am or about me.

I also think some of the Russians know. They are too into technology NOT to know. I think they're more divided. There are all kinds of russians or eastern europeans and they don't agree on the same things.

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