Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Morning (overheating now & photos for proof of torture)

This is just great. It's not how I wanted this post to open up, with my big mouth. And then right under this, my clip to Lambert's song: HEYYYY whadtaya want from MEH? and say this with your tongue twisted. Real attractive. I tried to edit this photo to the bottom of this post but I couldn't figure out how to do it as it's set up differently now. But I am posting this one to show the spot where I had the very dark pools of blood. Basically, it looked like varicose veins that were right on the surface but they were in round spots and the location was either side of my tongue, where the bottom of the spit bubble (to the left) is. You can just barely see one slightly darker dots in the spot lower than the spit bubble, but it's darker in person and it WAS very very dark and big spots on either side of my mouth. I have eaten all kinds of food in the last year and half since this happened to me, and nothing caused it to go away. The only thing that would do this, would have to be a medication.

Adam Lambert "Whataya Want From Me" came to mind after I posted some of these photos so I'll put up the clip. This song was very strong in my mind about 4-6 days ago. I woke up one morning and couldn't get it out of my head.

Here we go. Glamour shots of torture! I didn't splice up the photo this way, it somehow happened on its own. Pardon my tongue, but if you look you can see the tip has a round area that is pinker or redder. This happened right after I had the poison cigarette. My taste buds sort of almost burned off on that spot and it has never gone back to the way it was before.

HELLO WASHINGTON STATE fuckers. Whose FBI and police did NOTHING to protect my safety and the safety of my son. Who had some FBI employees in line before I got to the office, to BLOCK me from getting to a *real* agent who had some *real* integrity. And then it was really great to be directed to the U.S. Marshall's services by the Seattle police, and then be told, "We can't help you and your son even if people are trying to kill you, unless you have information on someone."

Guess what. I have some information on state and government workers who are involved in what amounts to crimes prosecutable under RICO. But so far, the FBI isn't willing to do their job and even take my evidence or information.

I guess I should just go to the U.S. Marshalls actually, and a federal prosecuting attorney if the FBI is going to screw around.

I need a lawyer. I need a good and objective doctor to help me document torture, poisoning, and crimes against humanity. I can also give testimony about what has happened to my own son.

My theory? someone in the Seattle FBI, more than one, is dirty. I also have a feeling that the women who gave me the cigarette, who took off hastily when I started blogging about them, are connected to some powerful people and probably state or govt. workers. They were both white women and the cigarette looked like a normal Marlboro lights cigarette. Nothing strange looking about it. They were both younger than me, and attractive young women wearing casual urban type clothing. Several things happened to me at that bar. I went next door to a cafe for a shot of espresso but there was nothing wrong with the shot. It was the cigarette. I also know that someone, a man, was "on-the-trail" so to speak and checking things out and he saw those women leaving the pub and smiled at me and knew that I knew. These were urban yuppie type of women whose mommies and daddies would agree to pay to protect their daughters. Whose boyfriends would probably commit crime and bribe others to do the same. Because why was this BLOCKED from investigation?

DIRTY. That state is in a huge mess.

Christine Gregoire needs to be replaced and the AG in charge needs to be replaced as well as the FBI person in charge and they need to get some new agents in and fire others. I also had someone tell me something about the head cop in charge or something--that someone sells drugs to him. I don't want to mention the wrong one, but okay, do your shit and your drugs, but umm, not while you're "enforcing" this kind of thing on others and start playing dirty and taking bribes to keep your own shit secret.

So now, who in Washington D.C. is sticking their nose into things and trying to dictate to other FBI agencies how they should treat me? Maybe some of the FBI, retired and still employed, should be looking higher up on the chain of command and asking some serious questions. Because isn't someone supposed to look into this kind of thing?

I want Witness Protection for me and my son and if I have to "give" something to a federal prosecutor, it will be about Washington state employees and collusion with some Canadians.

There were the two women from the Irish pub. The bartender who clearly knew what was up and then worse things happened. There was the blond woman later, in Bainbridge, who, with this other guy who was a former suppilier of medical equipment, ruined my voice and sadisticly knew what she was doing. The same day I met the cashier who said he was from Australia and that this was his last day there.

Someone is protecting that blond with the white Mac. Bitch, your time is UP.

How about "Chris" who was called into Virginia Mason hospital to claim I was "psychotic" when I wasn't. When I had just bled into 3 or 4 toilet bowls, filling them with blood and then arrived at their hospital dizzy and and blurry eyed and sick?

SHE was the reason, and the weird ambulance drivers, that I didn't even try to go to the hospital when I was next getting the poison cigarette. I was afraid I'd be locked up. But look at my fucking tongue. there is the evidence. The other evidence is that I had blood pooled up under my tongue and spots that never went away until very recently after someone doped something I had. Because they know I am getting the proof out.

I decided to post the photo of my burned tip of tongue that happened after I had the poisoned cigarette. No one in law enforcement anywhere has even been willing to investigate this, even though I named and identified the women, and the date and place, and they had used credit cards at the pub they were at.

The next photos I'm posting I hate to post even more than my feet. My mouth. And under my tongue. Like I said, I had this very dark effect under my tongue where blood had pooled. It stayed there, like purple pools of blood under my tongue, until, I swear to you, someone doped something I ate after I told a lot of people I was going to start posting things. It's almost gone now and you can't see it in the photos really but I want to point out the spot, to show where it was, so someone could guess what happened and what the effect was or why, for that area.

Well, I'm still thinking of what to post for under my tongue but decided to post one where it shows how the tip of my tongue is still pink where it was burned when I took the poisoned cigarette from the women at the Irish bar in downtown Seattle. I documented everything that happened and yet Seattle police and FBI refused to even investigate. This was right after I was given arsenic and bled in the toilet. So next, I got the poisoned cigarette that had a metallic taste on contact and burned, in a kind of chemical burn, the tip of my tongue where I first touched the cigarette with my mouth.

Here is a photo from this month, before my legs swelled up as I reported. This is how bony my ankles are naturally and the curve of my ankle. Not an elegant photo of a foot, but I am documenting torture. Following, you will see photos that prove my ankles and legs swelled up. It might be very convenient to claim this is medication and blame it on something like this rather than admit what is really happening and why medication is used as a smokescreen for atrocities. I took this photo when I was trying to capture the white lines on my toes but I missed my toes and at least have a photo to be compared to the others. From the time this photo (above) was taken I probably lost 3-5 more lbs so I was even thinner when my ankles swelled. I now weigh 109 lbs. When I was a cross country runner and I was in solid shape and muscle, I weighed 105 lbs. so this about normal.
Here is a photo (upside down) of my swollen legs and ankles, as I reported occured after torture (and possible medication) at the Sheraton where I kept having some kind of technology overheat my body (internally) for over 12 hours. You can see an indent where the sock line is and then also see that the bones of my ankles are not obvious. I will contrast this swelling to a photo of my ankles as they are normally.

This is a photo I took of my ankles after I reported, online on my blog, that my legs swelled up and my ankles were no longer visible. This is not normal for me. I don't have problems with edema unless I'm being medicated without consent or being tortured for long periods and then this is the result. I reported torture from Sheraton, while I was there. Here is some of my proof of possibly both medication AND torture. At the top to the left is my heel. The part near the bottom is my ankle but you cannot see the ankle bones even though it's clear my ankle is thin or small. The point is, I have very pronounced ankle bones, even when I'm not thin, and you can't see them because my legs had swollen up. At the top of the photo is my actual foot with the sock pulled partway down. You can see a mound where my ankle bones should be. I can compare this photo with photos I took of my feet a couple of months ago when I weighed 10 lbs more than I do now.

I have other photos.

I also have definitively discovered the eye drooping is occuring after someone is using technology to fry me or overheat me. That is laser technology. Nothing else heats the inside of a body like that.

This morning I went to a cafe and someone started very strong overheating but then this other man came in and it quit. It hasn't stopped completely though and something else started.

This morning at the shelter, everything was fine until I was in line for breakfast. Someone there had technology with them.

Last night the screener wasn't working. I went through security with change in my pocket and it didn't go off. They need a better security machine.

I went to breakfast, after what happened last night, because I wondered if something would be sealed and figured maybe no one would expect me to go there.

I believe I was dosed with both possibly lithium or something and poison. Which is a great combo. Of course.

I wasn't on my period yesterday. Which someone may have assumed, but I wasn't. I got some feminine products to make it seem like I was, but I wasn't. I keep my cycles to myself because it's no ones business and I can track what others are doing better.

For example, someone may have thought that giving me a little bit of poison yesterday, if I bled, wouldn't be noticeable because I would already be on my period.

It wasn't a lot of bleeding. Believe me, it was NOTHING like what happened in Seattle. In that case, the toilet bowl was full of blood, repeatedly. This time it was only a little bit.

But I was going to be tested for arsenic and then didn't go in because although arsenic or rat poison clears out of the body fast, making it difficult to detect and catch, I didn't want to give anyone to check levels of any other medication I have been given. I also read about TN laws on medication without consent. In TN, anyone who appears in the ER can legally be medicated, with anything, for any reason, without their consent. If you say, "Actually, I'd rather not have _______" they can still force you to take it, if you are appearing in the ER. Which presents opportunities, in my case, for assholes to try to medicate me with something, anything they want, and legally get away with it. I would hope that wouldn't be the case, but I do not know yet. I don't have the FBI lined up helping yet, at this point. I think it is still detectable in trace amounts, in hair, but the best way to catch it is through blood.

I didn't eat breakfast because I'm medicated. I had breakfast there because I'm an idiot, and because I wanted to see what the next thing was, and also, I am not fasting.

There is a time for everything. And when I fasted, it was for a reason and to sacrifice. And then, I have to say to God, "Your grace is sufficient" and "Who am I to think my sacrifice or that what I "do" has any bearing on the greatness of God and His power? " Without faith it is impossible to please God. The just live by faith. So then while fasting is good, I think it's also good to then keep pride or arrogance or self in check by saying, "Ultimately God, I know that this is not about me and there is nothing that I can do to 'earn' your favor but believe I have it already." So I believe God. I believe that I have favor in your eyes and that you will accomplish great things when I recognize you alone are great and that you alone are sufficient for me at this time.

There will be more times to fast and when you tell me to fast, I will. But now I know you are telling me to believe in you.

(I say this as someone is frying me with technology and then suddenly decided to back off and quit frying me.)

But yes, I was poisoned again. I was thinking, if it wasn't the pancake, it might have been when I was making oatmeal and there was another woman there and I turned away to throw something away and it's conceiveable that someone could have put a pinch of something into my cereal bowl when I wasn't looking. It was instant oatmeal with the powder for cream and fruit oatmeal so it wouldn't have been noticeable. She then watched me eat all of it and wasn't there last night. But that was the night before I started to bleed and I guess it could take 12 hours or so, but I had wondered about the pancake bc it was after this.

Anyway, I know it happened but it was a tiny pinch or just a little bit compared to this other time where I was bleeding like water.

I got up this morning and decided to do my eyes up dark. Just didn't feel like going with my usual almost no-make up look. Which was sort of hilarious because there I am standing with this coat with fur trim and this make up on, surrounded by what I would usually be wearing: you know, lots of knit hats and jackets and sweats and baggy pants. So this woman who is homeless and wearing a full on fur stole came over and stood next me. She even had a fur pillbox hat and I didn't laugh but thought it was sort of funny. We stood there there like we were from some kind of parody of Breakfast at Tiffanys. But where were the diamonds? Our backs erect, we stood and stared at the opposite wall which was lined up with various women in all manner of array. All we needed were crocodile leather pumps.

Last night I came in late and plopped inbetween 2 very tall and large black women. I mean, quarterbackers. I sat there in their joint shadows and looked over and said, "I feel like I'm inbetween bodyguards" and then noticed all 3 of us were sitting there with our arms crossed across our chests. One laughed and I said, "Yeah, but I know you feel better now I'm here. I'll take care of you." For some reason Eminem came to mind briefly. Probably about the time I noticed someone looking over at me and I looked and it was this woman who had said she was from the state he's from and I think she has his mom's name too. I thought it was sort of funny.
Oh, yeah, and I have before and after photos of my eye.

I told you someone was frying me? well my eye went droopy right after and it's still droopy.

This says laser or satellite technology to me.

My eye was fine when I got to the cafe and I took photos of myself and now, after, now the one eye is droopy. It's not what I'm eating.

It's evidence of torture.

And I know that my laptop is somehow facilitated for this.

I am going to post photos of my ankles when they swelled up like I said they did recently, so that I couldn't see my ankle bones.

This happened right after I wigged out after coffee at a Panera and then someone seriously dosed me with something else and I noticed it right away and my legs swelled up. After I was at the Sheraton where there were "Fema" people. But also, I had someone doing the overheating off and on for 12 hours.


I had the overheating happening until I moved locations. I got up and moved in the cafe and then I had no problem.

I am going to try to post some more photos for evidence of what's been going on.
I checked in the mirror and there is only a little effect left with what happened under my tongue. It's still there but I can't see it on my photos. Basically, if you lift your tongue up and there is that connecting string, right at the base are little fleshy nodules and these were permanently purple and red as if bruised but more like blood was still under the surface.

It was there for over a year after the poison cigarette and then only went away after I mentioned posting photos and I got something in a drink or food that caused it to go away overnight basically.

In person though, you can still see what I'm talking about.

Oh I guess I'll try to post and point out the spot. I hate these ones and my teeth look terrible but since there is a "spit bubble" it actually helps as a pointer to the area where there was this blood pooled and probably, this is an actual proof of something or someone wouldn't have wanted to try to make it go away real fast, overnight. No one would target this if it wasn't significant so I'm sure some docs and scientists will have an explanation for what method of chemical was used to torture me with a poison cigarette (among a number of other things).

Then after I post this, maybe I'll post some nicer looking photos of me today and other times.
I had someone quit all the overheating until this one guy left and new people came in and then someone did something to the left back of my head again. And there are people outside in two cars, next to me and I'm not sure about someone else.
I moved away earlier from this guy named "Larry" who was, I believe, the same guy who was in a Panera where I was on the other side of town when I had my key to my locker stolen from me.
This thing to the back of my head is, I think happening bc of the guy sitting behind me.
He is sitting next to this one woman who is almost always here when there is some kind of technology problem. All I know abuot her is that she went to Catholic school and she talks about the nuns and was telling me I should move to Quebec one time.

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