Wednesday, January 12, 2011

oops, wrong title posted...titles to posts

The sad part is that all of this is extremely serious and my son and I seriously are being tortured. It's not funny at all.

The part I laugh at is some of my titles to posts:

"James Hansen"with Jersey Mike's and the Fuckers
Mildred Harris & More Torture w/Larry from London

(it sounds like saturday night live or band headines. Jersey Mike's and the Fuckers.

Then, I just emailed this guy who I wanted to be my lawyer and I won't say his name but his photo of himself shows a seriously droopy eye and then being on his arms in a shoulderstand and he's from Harvard. So I saw his eye and Harvard and thought he might be a victim of mind control (if that's really his photo and he's not just playing a joke). I sent back a nice note saying, "You might be one of the experiments David." I am not kidding. I asked if he'd ever considered helping victims of mind control.

Yesterday I was writing a statement about why to hire me, on this online thing and I was trying to type "I should be able to do the kind of thing..." and instead I accidentally typed, "I should be able to do the king" and then I stopped to correct it and started laughing out loud. Someone was messing with the computer there while I was on it and I was imagining their expression when I wrote that much before correcting it.

By the way, is Kate Middleton having dreams about me? Because I had another one about her a week ago but I didn't post it. It wasn't bad. I am not posting it because if someone tried to send it to me I don't want to record what it was about and give them the satisfaction. I will only say this much, she and I were in a line of some kind or sitting at a long table. I believe it was sitting at a long table and we exchanged some remarks. I remember the topic. It was her and it was not someone who just looked like her. In the dream, she was to the right side of me and she turned torwards me and I was turned towards her. It was sort of like coming from an angle. If there was a table, it was in front and we faced front and then I turned my head to the right and I don't know if I was right next to her or one or two people away but pretty close. She was the only person I could see in the dream. She wasn't in a line exactly to the right but I could see her more to the right and then sort of at an angle, like a perspective point is drawn, for drawing class. Anyway. I am not commenting on what we said in the dream.

And the other thing, is that I noticed or sort of glanced at the engagment photos for the first time while I was at the grocery store the other day and all I noticed was that one of her eyes was droopy.

I just wondered what the hell is going on.

I'm starting to believe Stephen Hawings, that the aliens are real. Well, not really, but I saw that, and thought, Oh MY GOSH.

It was the cover to some photo type of magazine but I don't remember which one. I went to Saveuer (a cooking mag) and gardening mags and was flipping through and then I looked up and saw the photo and looked more closely for a minute.

It's a good photo. I only wondered about this for a minute and wondered why that photo was chosen out of all the photos.

And the guy who just killed all the people in Arizona was photographed with a droopy eye.

I mean, I guess it's me, because I'm dealing with being tortured and noticing different effects, but does anyone else wonder about this stuff???

I cannot imagine other people are being tortured, literally, the way my son and I are being tortured. As impossible as it is for some to imagine it happens to me at all, is how hard it is for me to imagine it is happening to others.

But I did include, in an email to the FBI, that I hoped this was not happening to kids in Afghanistan or other countries. The FBI is supposedly the safety to anything "illicit" or "illegal" that the CIA or military tries to do to people domestically. It wasn't a random comment, in my email, it was included with a greater point.

And I am still waiting to hear back from the FBI about forensics.

Last night I tried to go call an advice nurse about the last bleeding episode I had because I couldn't remember how long it takes for rat poison or arsenic to clear out of the system. They refused to let me call so I missed out on having it diagnosed through blood. It should still be in my hair though.

I don't know why someone doesn't do something about this.

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