Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mildred Harris & More Torture w/Larry from London

"Mildred" came to mind while watching the video clip for Bette Davis Eyes with Bette Davis in it. I was staring at the shot of Bette where she is young and looking to the right and has these winsome eyes and then it goes in closer of her, and thought how pretty she looked and then "Mildred" came to mind.

I clicked up Mildred on wiki and found a Mildred Harris.

It's on the clip I posted in the last clips, under my photo of myself from today.

It's at 39-49 and at the part where Carne's sings "She's as pure as New York snow".

Okay, look at that photo there and then click to wiki's "Mildred Harris" and look at her first photo.

It's Millie

Problem is, I've never seen a show with Mildred Harris before in my entire life. I don't know who the hell she is.

She certaintly had an interesting life. Just read her profile there.

What's weird is that this morning before I came to the cafe, a truck passed me that had MILLIE on the side of it.

I thought Millie Willie because ever since I saw this "M" also representing "W" I look at them interchangeably for whatever reason. (for example, when I tried to get my son a necklace with M for mother and they only had W's so I got him this).

At any rate, all I got was "Mildred" and I first clicked on wiki with just the name but I felt it was for a person and then I got Harris and saw that at the same time I got "Mildred" I was staring at a photo of Bette that looked a lot like the photo of Mildred.

Maybe she came to mind too, because I was looking at her credits and she was in "The Little Matchmaker" and I don't know if this is like that silent clip I saw of the Little Matchgirl. I dont know, but it's strange I got Mildred when I was looking at a photo of Bette which has the same resemblance. I don't think I've ever looked up Mildred Harris before.

But at any rate, I am being burned alive with the technology again, after having a nice break. As soon as I put the Bette Davis song on, someone started up the shit again. It's not worth it you criminal bastards.


Geneva Convention on Torture. The U.S. and other countries have signed it. You have violated it. You have broken domestic and international law. And you do not have my consent. Which means you are not only deliberately breaking the law, you are deliberately torturing someone who has repeatedly asked you to stop.

It's nice when you're getting acclaim and a paycheck, isn't it? you cowardly bastards.

This is exactly what I've been talking about and what I've been posting photos of.

I could bring up more U.S. military men and officials involved but I'd rather give a good lawyer something to chew on.

Until the FBI or some investigative agency looks into this, the U.S. is involved. They are what is keeping me from making my reports, because they are the criminals. If you investigate this, you prove otherwise. As it is, you demonstrate to the world that you are hypocritical and support torture of not only prisoners of war who are not U.S. citizens, but also approve of torture of U.S. citizens, including little boys. That makes you Nazis and supporters of Nazis, regardless of your religious or political affiliation.

I think one of the main guys who is back is Larry. This guy names Larry who is always around when this kind of thing is happening to me and who said has traveled to London and really likes London.

When he was gone for awhile, nothing happened. Everything quit. Now, there are the starbucks employees who work here, and then the one woman who is always here, Larry, and then two other people. One man dressed in black from head to toe and who has a large binder with him and then a woman with a jacket and the north face and then a man who is slightly balding who is now leaving. Which is maybe good because then I can see who sticks around for kicks.

I just moved my location.

I see that there is a man in a white truck with tinted windows leaving who is from Alabama (plates) and then there is a man sitting out in the parking lot in a large white van.

Also, today I noticed something very unusual. I noticed an entire field or zone that was charged with bad energy and I don't mean bad vibe or psychic energy. I mean, there were only a few people in the cafe. I was sitting in a corner and there were just 2 men in the cafe.

Larry is part of this. Larry from London. Or, Larry from America with ties to London. Fucker. He's a black man and he's about 6 feet or more. And his buddy who just showed up in a little scottish hat is taking off now and he had license plates from a totally different state. He looked over at Larry and got a scared look and then went right back to his car. This other woman who came in and kept staring at Larry kept staring.

So who does Larry know in London?

That is the question.

And who does he know in the U.S.?

I was here earlier and it was me and then Larry and 1 other black man. I left my spot and went to order coffee and immediately the burning cooled down. I then was walking back to my chair and there was a whole field of energy, or "spot" that I crossed in and out of that was charged. It wasn't as dramatic as walking into a buzzing electric fence, and it was more subtle, but it was just as noticeable and it wasn't just me by my laptop. There was a field of energy.

157 SNM TN is a sedan belonging to a woman who was sitting next to me when the last burning thing started to happen. Right before she was leaving the van pulled up closer to me. At first I felt the burning quit for a moment. Then it sort of started up again. One woman who is here who is almost always here is the nun school one. She is almost always here, when this kind of thing is happening to me. I would say, at this location, about 85-95% of the time. She also stays at the shelter.

So this field of energy had a band. You could walk in and out of it whatever it was at that particular moment and it was very strong and caused my heart to react but I could feel it through my entire body.

I will draw a diagram of the positions of the people in the room so you can see where I felt that field of energy and what their location was. This might be important EH?

This other guy out in the van is from some other country I think, ethnic-wise. He looks sort of Eastern European but I am not sure. He could be anything.

The guy in the van left and on the side it said: William's Medical Supply. a blue and white plate with plates that were something like 59045 but I couldn't see it really well.

Then these guys in a silver mercedes came in with laptops and one talking about Cato.

I drew the room layout but the receipt is showing through.

Also, about the time there were technology problems...I have noticed this occuring when 2 male employees for starbucks are working here. Both are blond. I've been trying to keep track of which women are around when too.

Judy ;) on the case. oh yeah, and um, Judy being tortured for a damn good cause it had better be. Judy is one of my mother's friends and used to be a neighbor. Just an inside thing here that very few will catch onto.

I am trying to upload my sketch of the layout and I even turned off my laptop and then back on but it's not showing up in the files yet. So I am still working on it. I just sketched a diagram 1 without adding figures and field and wanted to post it and then add the people's positions and field of energy and then post this with 1 crossed out to show 2 for the idea so I'm able to explain it better.

Basically, part of what has been happening is a sick attempt at outpatient shock therapy. Am I not right?

I was left alone if I was with the guy from Colombia and my son was fine, I think. But then someone went back on everything and those people are connected to the U.S.

I wouldn't have been deliberately harassed by so many federal and state workers unless they had something to hide.

I am trying the FBI in writing, correcting some local Nashville shit that someone wanted to start with paperwork, and contacting Marshalls offices and a federal prosecutor, and after this is documented, I'm taking it to the UN if no one does anything on a U.S. level.

That's tomorrow.

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