Wednesday, January 12, 2011

technology quits (and then starts up again)

In the last half hour or so, everything quit. There was something going on again, but it's stopped for a half hour to even an hour.

As soon as I say it quit someone takes the opportunity to start shit up again.

When I first came to TN, I had almost zero problems. I am not kidding. The rate was that this kind of thing, compared to Wenatchee, went down over 90%.

Since I've been here and people know where I am, fuckers have moved in on me and started up shit again.

The first month, it was like, maybe 1-3 incidents in a whole week. It was extremely rare.

Then, it picked up a little bit and then in the last few weeks, it's been almost every single fucking day again, unless I move to a totally different area.

If I go to the one Starbucks, it's here. If I go to the other Panera, it's always there. It is to be expected at the main places or closest places I've gone to for wifi.

And then I have had a few more incidents (minor) at the shelter.

That, by the way, is not "mental illness".

Mental illness does not have a pattern of
A. wenatchee: "i'm being tortured every single day" to
B. walla walla/spokane: "what the hell, nothing is happening at all here. i can't believe it. my skin is getting better and my dark circles are going away."
C. wenatchee: "i'm being tortured every single day" to
D. nashville: "what the hell, nothing is happening here at all. i mean nothing. i mean, a couple of odd incidents on the bus and a few times at the starbucks and that's it."
E. nashville 1 month later: "more incidents, because i didn't leave for wenatchee. people moving in or moving other people in who are willing to do this shit."
F. nashville 2 months later: "someone doesn't like the fact that i nailed it on the head when i said a switch in territory and demographics has resulted in over a 90% reduction in use of violence or technology against me so they moved some fuckers over."

Basically, it went from 95% reduction in problems with this kind of thing, for almost a month, to back up to torture with a 50% increase from what it was (barely anything) and yet is still down at least 75% most of the time. some days, in the last week, almost every single day.

By the way, some of the problems in Washington too, were not just white people. And I have seen a combination of white and black pulling shit over here, on me.

What this basically shows, is that someone needs me to stay in one place.

It has absolutely nothing to do with me and my state of mind and instead has to do with how many assholes decide to stake out my familiar spots and others in other areas knowing where I'm at because of being tipped off.

I think someone tried to line up people to do this kind of shit in the first place and then there are these others who literally got lined up to "observe". Sick.

If I'm traveling around, these fuckers can't keep up with me and find fuckers to pull this shit and find out my location and observe what is happening.

The minute I'm off and running, every single fucking time I take a new location, there is NOTHING happening.

Oh yeah, and I've noticed, if I have a boyfriend or I'm sleeping with someone, the shit stops. What's that about? Courtesy for the fucking men?

I'm a lab rat unless one of these fuckers has a crush on me? Okay, if you like her, we won't torture her.

If you think I'm running to a man for protection, fuck you.

And if you think you can scare me into any particular direction, fuck you.

You are fucked, period, if you keep this up.

This makes sense on a level of assholes getting involved, and also possibly not having problems in a new state if they don't have the consent and cooperation of other local officials and persons.

Someone has to have time, it seems, to line up their assholes and their paperwork.

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