Saturday, January 15, 2011

Music & Prince William's Article (& Harry's Hike)

I just spent several segments typing without music. I feel exhausted with all of this.

This morning or yesterday morning?, it was this morning. The song "Dare You To Move" by Switchfoot was the first song to my mind. I sang a few lines while in the locker room choosing clothing. I was picking out black and fushia with a headband but then I decided to cover it with this cable knit type of a sweater. I think I told myself not to give up when I feel like everything is hopeless and then this song came up, write after don't give up.

Everything is weird.

The night before last someone preached about the shepherd and then I got the verse from the Y, randomly, about shepherd and the sheep. Then last night, a different guy preached about the light of the eyes and eyes being opened. This morning, totally random, I pulled out a verse that is about God giving light to the eyes. Out of all of them. I left the verse from yesterday on the counter for others and I think I have the one from today in my bag. It's about...let me find it---
it isn't the one about light to the eyes or death. It was one about how God gives light to the eyes so they can see, who trust in him. Something like that. I'll find it and add it later. I think it was Psalms 19:8, about the precepts (or word) of the Lord being right, and giving light to the eyes.

I was so upset by it, and by being tortured, that I didn't want it to be a coincidence, or be right. So I almost went back to take out a different one. I can handle God and prophesy and predictions but not torture. That's where my anger comes in.

And I feel exhausted.

So I just sat down, having written to my brother and family and done other research. Today I was feeling a cold coming on and chewed up 4 cloves of garlic raw with ranch. I wanted to eat the whole thing but it started to burn. I noticed good effects right away though, on my throat.

This is also sort of weird...

Well, I started thinking about commenting on the article by Prince William and also making a quip about Harry going to the north pole (Santa).

I hadn't listened to any music yet either. So I set my bad down, pulled out the folded up article and set it to the side, to the right, with my bag to the left, and then I decided to play music so I put on Switchfoot's Dare You To Move. And then the weirdest thing, I was watching this video and then I glanced over to the paper and it had ended up with part of W's face and his shirt facing me.

I looked at the shirt on the video. The guy playing the song and then I thought about how the outfit the guy is wearing who is running is sort of reminiscent of the night of sleeping with the homeless.

A little weird. But not to overshadow all the Santa letters Harry will be getting for going to the North Pole.

Anyway, I think the video I got last time I saw this, was where someone was coming out of the water. But today it's the one where he's running through an alley and other people running. The singer is wearing a black shirt with the little loop things on the top.

Then I thought, I look like I'm matching the back-up people.

Because underneath my cream cableknit, I am wearing a short sleeved fushia shirt over a long sleeved black shirt. I had this on, with this bright headband and then it didn't feel right or look right. I didn't have enough time to make it look right maybe. So I just threw on the cream sweater over it and went with plain, matching, no headband, and tasteful.

The only part that was weird is that I was thinking about them, and then took the paper out and never made a connection with the paper photo and this video before and then it was suddenly a click of some kind.

At any rate, what I was going to write, was about the article. It is about how his experience of "rough sleeping" (as they put it in England or Europe) helped him to understand and appreciate what the homeless go through. It's a short simple article, and mentions how he admires and feels inspired by the paper vendors. I could write it all out here but it would be better if others decided to buy a paper.

They are published through The Presbyterian Church in downtown Nashville but the buying is through the vendors and they are only $1 for an issue. There are other interesting articles in the edition and I bought one from last month too, when I first arrived in Nashville.
Okay, now I'm laughing because last night I was singing a variety of songs and I just thought now, what should I play that would make my family happy? and Bonnie came to mind. I'm sure this would NOT be what any of them would request. But I guess I thought of it because I loved it as a little girl.

So I was trying to find which one to choose and I got this one, thinking, "1928?" and was curious and it's from the Leake County Revelers. "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean" (1928) by the Leake County Revelers. Which made me think of leaking news and cracked me up. The guy posting it is edmundusrex. I personally don't like it. It's not a very good recording but probably my Grandpa Baird would like it. It sounds like the kind of music he listens to before bedtime.

I next played "Everything's Made for Love" (1926) by Annette Hanshaw. It's still edmundusrex. I thought of Annette Sandberg and clicked. Is there a reason I ended up in the 20s?

Then I got something about librette. I chose Amelia: The Libretto posted by UWashingtonPress about a woman who is overcoming anxiety from trauma of losing her father in a war.

Just going on tangents now. I was going to click on more flapper music but decided to branch out. I had Eagle's "Desperado" come to mind. This makes me think of the first music book my father gave me, of the Eagles.
I will say, after I posted some of this post, someone started up the technology, very hard.

So someone, I guess, didn't like my comments about Prince William and Prince Harry. I can't think of any other reason to suddenly blast me.
Now I'm just playing "Hosanna" by Hillsong and Hillsong music.

I need to check a novel out. I tried to the other day, but freaked out and left without even taking a book with me. There was a very good reason for my freak-out, along the lines of setting down Williams photo and then playing a song with some guy wearing the same shirt.

It was way too weird and I decided I was checking NOTHING out.!

Someone haunted the stacks or something. And then I thought, what is this anyway?

It was like everything I wanted to look at, someone had put a little marker next to it or pulled out a book by it. And then I tried to go random and kept getting william. William this and william that, at random, so I decided it was spooked.

I looked around at the books, and went from one thing to the other, getting more and more weirded out and then I quit with Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak. I opened it up, as I've never read it before, and right after landing on a string of williams and the last being lara williams from some book, I was on Dr. Zhivago and opened up to this part where it says, "Lara was told to lift her light high, but she held it low, to not surpass him, but he lowered his" (something like this) and then her hair was plaited to be let out and undone.

I sort of freaked out because I had put a braid on the side of my hair that day and then braided the rest of my hair and knotted it up.

Also, I had gone into the library and on that day there was a new display called "Here Comes The Bride" with wedding dresses under glass. I had gone in and walked right up to them and looked at them and saw this "here comes the bride thing" and then I was following all these books and ended on Dr. Zhivago with the bride mention. Too freaky for me!

I don't know what it was, I guess the sequence, but something freaky. So I looked at where the ribbon was when it was left last and put it by this section and then saw there was a book behind it, something about spanish princess or spanish or princess or something and then I took it out and put it to the side, pulled the ribbon from one section to the section I had found, and placed the book back into its slot.
i really like this song "Hosanna". It's from the youtube poster "SaMmM123"
I was just looking up Dr. Zhivago. I've never read it before and I saw the movie as a kid or in jr. high. I remember my parents liked it a lot and my mom cried. But then, as a child, it was just a movie with drama and political things I didn't understand, and a lot of snow! I would like to see it or read the book now though.
When was this? my book find? Maybe 1-2 weeks ago. I think I must have walked in right after they set up the wedding dress display.
i should separate this post out a little to have one for just William's article and Harry's hike and then my other ramblings separate. I just started writing and I know I'm all over the place, but just trying to relax.

No torture in the last little while either--thank you. Like for the last 10-20 minutes. It sort of cut off after I mentioned how it was amped up after I wrote about William and Harry.

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