Saturday, January 15, 2011

Torture While U.S. Holds Parades

I would like to know why I was tortured today when there were this many U.S. government officials around, for some kind of parade.

Some of them came into town last night.

So I fail to see why I still tried to go about my business and still had problems.

I have sent email to the FBI since meeting with Diane. No one has gotten back to me about testing for arsenic or following up on my report.

Meanwhile, the lines on my nails and toenails are growing out with the growth of nail.

I asked to meet someone from U.S. Marshalls, about giving facts, and the craziest part about what the FBI and U.S. govt. has done, so far, is to try to prevent me from even making a report.

It's almost like they don't want the facts, because they don't want to be faced with addressing this matter.

It's like they don't want me to speak the truth and have to lie to my face and say there's nothing they can do, after I give them cold hard facts, or, they don't want to be put in a position of having to actually do anything.

In the meantime, the U.S. has spent money holding parades.

Someone said it was for the returned soldiers from the war, but I don't know. I know that I was sitting next to the bus terminal waiting for the bus that never came as I noticed people staring at me from a govt. building. I turned and looked and then a few minutes later, bombs went off, with smoke. Right where I had been looking, up at the building and then



bomb after bomb.

I don't know if this is the best thing for PTSD, even for returned soldiers. I hope they got a heads-up warning at least.

("Psst! At 0-1 there is going to be a bomb blast.")

I see people spending money on airplanes, flying them in the direction that I'm walking, or making designs, seriously, in the sky.

Are these the lab rat kudos or something?

I do not feel "rewarded" in the least.

You've refused to get anyone involved to investigate, which makes it impossible for me to then get work and have any kind of normal life.

In the meantime, with all of this money, you use it around me, and with me included, but never pay me a dime. You need me for your entertainment and experiments, but you think you don't have to pay a thing. In fact, you have trapped me into a position where no one pays me, to keep me available and free for your shitty experiments.

Being in a predictable job with normal tasks, would make it more difficult for you.

I guess this is why the U.S. likes to put people on welfare, sometimes deliberately, to experiment more with them and then claim there is no harm because they are not damaging the person's work or the interests of the employer.

In this case, the only suitable employer, used to carrying out experiments with others, might be those employers that service the government already.

All that you have to do is your job.

Which means that when I have a valid complaint to make, and report, and facts, you don't BLOCK me from giving this information and you don't label me as nuts either.

There are women, who come from "good" families, who wear good clothing and have good jobs and boyfriends, who gave me a poisoned cigarette. No one did a damn thing about them. I guess it's because they were pretty, affluent, white, and blond (one w/brown hair).

How the hell did they get their hands on poisoned cigarettes anyway? that come from normal looking Marlboro packages in normal cigarettes?

Did they did the ends of the cigarettes into something themselves? Or were they the nice girls from the CIA next door in Seattle?

If they weren't CIA, the mafia has certaintly branched out and intermarried with the Plain Janes because those women were not Italian and they weren't Mexican or hispanic either.

So maybe it was some other intel group. As you can see, the U.S. is all over this case. Poisoned cigarettes from the affluent must be an everyday affair?

And that is just ONE of the incidents that I encountered, and the effects of poison and trauma that I suffered, showed up on my SON as well.

I was in Seattle and my son was in Wenatchee and what some group of shits did to me in Seattle was being duplicated on my own son. I saw him at the next visits and he had all the same signs that I had. Skin pigmentation changes, the works.

This has crossed over state boundaries. There are grounds to prosecute people.

I have asked someone to investigate.

I had some problems with my laptop overheating just now at the Y and no one is there. So that would be something specific with my laptop or satellite. Some of this stuff is NOT satellite because I notice it takes 1 or usually 1 or more to do this kind of thing. But some of it has to be by tapping into the laptop and through satellite.

If my son and I need to live in another country, that will be protective, this is what's best for us. If we need to live in the U.S. in an area where there is something like a frickin' bomb shelter that blocks this kind of thing, then that is what we need.

I don't think it's just the U.S. because I see internationals involved at times too, but I don't know why and I don't know if they just think they will get closer to certain U.S. people if they go along. I don't know what their religion or politics are. I would not necessarily be surprised to find it's others, but if so, the U.S. should be checking into this, not keeping silent.

I have people stalling on this while the clock ticks.

As I am told to "wait", I am also being told that the State of Washington is attempting to adopt my son out in February.

This is MY SON.

My son, who never wanted to be brutally taken from his mother in the first place.

And now I have people in TN who are being told to put me off, as the State of Washington tries to coordinate paperwork to adopt my son out.

This will ensure NO ONE will EVER SUE medical professionals in Wenatchee and Washington state, for my son's injuries in childbirth.

They have already been assured this. My aunt and uncle will not sue.

This will also ensure that someone is able to have access to my son for continued experimental purposes and can use him for other things.

It also makes it more difficult for me to get my son back, which some who hate me want, only because they want to have me and my son suffer, and nothing else.

Someone also thinks that if my son is not with me, I can be "used" or utilized for other things. I was told this, ages ago and it's no secret.

I had people who know exactly what has been going on, telling me that certain kinds of work couldn't be done if children were involved. Which made it sound to me like someone wanted to use me without my consent, for some kind of work that I didn't sign up for.

And then, I guess, somewhere on the totem pole is the idea that if I am a romantic interest threat to anyone or anyone else's family or politics, not having my child makes me unattractive and look incapable of raising children.

If this is one nation under God, then nothing is impossible.

There is no such thing as "impossible" and especially not when the truly impossible has already occured:

An innocent child was taken from an innocent mother and then this was covered up as they were both then tortured and abused.

THIS is what was impossible and it took a lot of money to acheive what was impossible.

I am being held back from making a report because I don't need money to turn it around. I have the truth, and the truth would and will immediately cause all of that money to become a money pit. All I need, is someone with power. I don't have to have the millions and billions that have been poured into making a false creation and character for me. My "double" cost millions.

It would take a few thousand to clear all of that up, real fast.

Which is why, apparently, some groups are terrified of my having even a job at a fucking deli.

If you can call yourself a christian of any kind, you can take my report.

If you believe this is a nation under God, and that "the truth will set you free" then you can take my report.

You can buck the system and do your job, according to your oaths, if you are truly patriotic. But if you do not have the backbone, you will continue to crouch in the corner and try not to think about it.

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