Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nazi in Spain and Nazi in Nashville

I looked up some headlines today. One was about the Nazi guy wanted from Spain. What I find incredible, is that this is making news at all, when my own son and I have been exposed to the same kind of treatment.

Ever since I went to the FBI, the violence against me has escalated.

In fact, the FBI seemed to be part of the game even. But after I went there, someone "in-charge" amped it up and brought more people in who would be willing to commit crimes against humanity.

I could not do one single thing today without someone suddenly sitting next to me and using something to get me to move and then the minute I moved, I would then discover why. They had a "point" marked out for me to move to.

This wasn't like pure psychic genius when someone is naturally gifted and makes predictions. This was an attempt by criminals to use torture to hope it redirected me and caused me to move to a new spot, where they could then say, "I told you so!" and then take some kind of ego-maniacle credit for their brilliance which isn't brilliance at all.

Any fucking lab rat does that. If you torture someone, probably they will move to a different spot, and knowing in general what little plans or resources or opportunities someone might have, makes it very easy to predict.

I had this happen at the Y this morning so I moved. This was in the women's restroom with women around. I moved and it stopped. But then at the new spot, someone decided that now my internet search wasn't going to work. So I kept trying to look up maps and directions with nothing working.

Not until I moved to the far end of the room and then it was fine.

I have also noticed, today in particular, a lot of white people nodding off to some black people, which made it look like white people who looked like yuppies, knew what was going on and were soliciting black people to do their dirty work for them. That's what it looked like.

Then I left and passed some kind of speech and I didn't know what it was for, but black sedans all over and military and VA and MD people and TN officials and I didn't feel like being in the middle of it so I walked straight through.

I tried to take a bus to a different area to get a locker to keep my things secure because I have basically been refused a locker. I have no safe place to keep my things. I keep waiting and the timeline keeps getting extended and I do need a locker. So I was going to go somewhere else and then the bus didn't come, and someone had the terminal where I would be expected to look for a bus staked out.

So then I realized there was no way to go there and back in time so I was forced to go back to the Y or the library, having no other options and someone just figured I'd be doing that. I had been eating figs while waiting for the bus and some idiot decided to "plant" a fig at a corner where I would be likely to be coming across on my way back.

With all these govt. and police people around, I was still fried at the grocery store at Krogers this morning when I was trying to think of what to buy. It didn't stop until I was outside and then I noticed how bad it had been bc the cooling was so obvious.

Then I was being fried at the Y, and had my computer tampered with, and then I went to the library where, I kid you not, someone locked the entire women's room door to all the stalls and set out a "Little Mermaid" cd next to it. I went to the counter to tell them it was locked and as soon as my back was turned, I guess someone who literally had a key, unlocked it. It was fully locked and when I tried to open it, this family with some man wearing a Guiness t-shirt and with a wife and baby, they were all staring at me and watching and then smirking. Like they knew.

So I said to them, "So do you work here?" and they said no and I said, "I thought it seemed like you knew something about the door." They looked surprised but I could see it on their faces, clearly. And why would they stand there watching for my reaction unless they knew already?

Then I went over to the computers and after about 5 minutes, someone started something up to fry me. So, as any normal person would do, I moved and then I noticed someone trying to make a big deal about where I moved to, as if it was some psychic prediction come true.

No, it's not psychic.

It's criminal.

I would like to redirect YOU to the article about what happens to those who commit crimes against humanity.

Oh, it also happened when I was sitting at the bus station, so I decided not to take the bus, and wait there at the terminal where someone was doing this to me.
This is bad enough to where on more than one occasion, after I have had someone using technology on me, someone then has the audacity to "guess" that I might write about "hitler" or "nazi's" or something and on more than one occasion, they have had someone who literally looks like hitler, walk by as I'm writing about this.

Having someone who looks like hitler walk what.

The point is that a lot of people KNOW that something is being done to harm me physically and that this will (or is likely to) induce me to be upset and write about Nazi's.

Meanwhile, they stage this out.

This is where it shows clearly that this is not even computing to some, that what they are joking about, is crime. They have made light of what is being done to me and my son.

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