Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Want Compensation For My Time

I want compensation for my time or I will no longer blog or engage in these kinds of questions, comments, or anything. I will shut down entirely and refuse to allow to be used further and allow you to make your own guessing games.

I went to the store today and someone was using something there that warmed my back and I couldn't think until I was out. Now, I am at the YMCA and the same thing.

And over yesterday and today, a whole other game or predictions and guess and chance was played, using me as the primary subject.

I am either going to be allowed to work, and have a normal job without govt. interference, and have my son back, or I am going to be compensated for the way I am being used.

I'm not free. I have not consented to any of this, and keeping me out of work, so you have time to run games and research, is not okay with me.

It is not okay with God that you have taken my son and refused to investigate.

This is going to the UN.

There are people going to the homeless shelter, to be a part of the same thing, even in chapel, and make predictions using me.

I am tired of this.


  1. Mamma,
    Move back to Washington and I will more than happy to compensate you all the time. I am truely saddened by you moving away and the fact that you ignore me and delete my posts. I posted my email address for you to reach me yet you deleted it. Also you need to post more pics of yourself. People can really relate to a beautiful smiling face such as yours.

    Your Admirer

  2. Theo is a fraud.

    He doesn't have half the gift he lies to claim he has. If you're halfway close, he'll say that's what he got. I found him to be dishonest and he literally used technology on me when I was forced to stay there bc I had nowhere else to go.

    He is tied in with shady people, serious witchcraft, and the Army.

    Everyone I stayed with in wenatachee, was U.S. military connected and I was tortured while I stayed with them.

    If not tortured, monitored and stolen from.

    Theo was lucky enough to have someone steal my cell from me, which I was going to use, and police knew I was going to use, to prove harassment.

    All of these guys, and gang people, including state workers, had access to my son.
