Saturday, January 15, 2011

Grapeseed Oil for Kidneys

Last night a woman told me she had a kidney stone and we were talking about what to take. She was drinking a lot of water. I wondered if it's ever possible to dissolve them through a natural remedy but no one knew. Then we brought up familiar remedies, at least for UTI: cranberry juice (which I mentioned) and apple cider vinegar. Then I said, "I don't know why but grapeseed oil comes to mind." I've never used grapeseed oil for anything but said I wanted to look it up the next day.

So I did and it's listed on the "Livestrong" site, as being beneficial to the kidneys, with research done in Alexandria to support this idea. Also, a Dr. Wei Wen who found it may be helpful with cancer prevention of the kidneys.

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