Friday, January 14, 2011

stealing my rubberband?!

Completely nuts. This woman stole my hair rubber band from the lockerroom. I write a whole post about people stealing from me and this woman literally took my rubberband for my hair after I took it out to brush my hair out.

I also had something else happen when I was here.

I sat in the locker room and someone did something that affected my head and it had to have been someone outside of the room on the other side of the wall. More than one of them knew it was happening though and I think they expected me to follow the first person out.

This was after I changed where I was sitting because someone was doing the overheating thing. All of this after I contacted U.S. Marshalls.

U.S. Marshall's gave me some totally different phone number, telling me I had to contact Washington D.C. Which is not true.

And someone had left a "Foreign Affairs" magazine right there on the table which I started flipping through as someone basically tried this shit out.

One woman wanted to see where I had turned to, in the magazine and then was watching the t.v. to see how it corresponded and I shit you not, this is exactly what this one woman was doing.

So then I went to the sauna and something wasn't right.

I knew immediately.

Someone either added to something in the sauna or took away from. It didn't clear up my eye like it always does and instead I went in and it did the opposite...the same thing happened to my head. Which has never happened and this sauna has never failed to almost instantly clear things up.

Someone literally did something to the sauna or just outside of it or something, to keep it from having the same effect.

I went to the steam room at that point and didn't notice anything unusual right away but got out and my eye was still the same.

Also, women have been bringing in their cell phones everywhere, around me all of a sudden.

There is a no-cell-phone rule in the locker room and yesterday and today, I have noticed over 20 women with cell phones out and then taking them into the sauna.

Who the fuck takes a cell phone into a sauna?

They have been taking their cell phones into the sauna while I am in there.

I got nothing done today. I was supposed to get a lot of things done but nothing was done. I tried, and no one got back to me about anything.

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