Friday, January 14, 2011

Work? or FBI & Marshalls

How am I going to get work when I've been blacklisted and all my shit is stolen from me with no one investigating anything?

I think it's more important to get some of this out publicly, because I have tried to report a lot of things and the U.S. is not doing anything about it so far.

Someone is holding onto my sweater from Munich, Germany by the way. Fucker. Because as I was describing it I could see it better and see someone's fingers going over the buttons. I could see it in the minds eye. They're small fingers and haven't seen any hard labor. Next thing you know, I will be seeing your face so I would fucking find some cover.


I hope you go to fucking jail.

I like how the U.S. has allowed police and others to steal all of my personal photos and belongings too, including all of my diaries and notes and childhood photos.

We can thank Steve May and the Wenatchee police who did nothing but collude to allow these things to happen. And he's not the top of the food chain either.

I would not be surprised to find someone is stealing my things for their own personal museum collection and hoping to make money off of it.

My son needs to be left alone.

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