Thursday, January 6, 2011

Photos of Edema and Tinea Versicolor Meds

After I was in the steam room and sauna, the edema went down a little but it's still there. I took photos already but I'll post them tomorrow. I will post those other ones too, of other things.

The other thing I noticed, is that the skin rash from tinea versicolor went away since someone doped me up with something again.

I started to get these horrible symptoms of yeast infection or "tinea versicolor" again after I was in the sauna.

I noticed my breasts began to hurt the same way they did when I was breastfeeding and had yeast.

And then I realized it was somehow bringing out the yeast or mold which were the conditions for tinea versicolor in the first place.

I got a blotchy rash which doesn't go away and told people about it--told other women how I had noticed maybe my problem with the moldy house was being aggravated by the sauna because it was never properly treated to begin with.

All of a sudden, in 24 hours, it's almost disappeared. And it doesn't disappear on its own. Once it comes back, it stays there until treated.

It's not contagious, but it's the result of Dr. Butler refusing to treat me and my son when I said we had a problem and we had yeast and were living in a moldy house that was later condemned until it was cleaned up.

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