Thursday, January 6, 2011

Political Asylum & Legal Defense

I am getting political asylum.

I just had someone medicate me again and I've been medicated for how long?

Washington state refused to give me access to the medical records and lied to me about what the medical evidence hearing was about. I was told, by state workers, not to go because it was just a scheduling hearing and nothing new.

I later found out it was the only hearing where I could have requested medical evidence of any kind be admitted to the termination trial.

I don't have emotions like I used to, and I haven't had them since my son was taken from me.

I have had disruptions to my periods.

I have had boyfriends connected with the U.S. government and military give me medications.

I have had other torture and poisonings commited and then been given psychoactive drugs on top of it to cover for, or mask, or explain away any symptoms.

I have not had my sense of humor that I once had.

I have not had my creativity or ability to write poetry of any kind at all.

I have had such severe stomach cramping I have wondered if I am fertile at all.

I have questioned whether someone even tried to sterilize me when I had to have the operation after miscarrying twins. If people would lie to me about everything else, they would lie about this.

I have had skin discolorations because of torture and clear signs of arsenic poisoning after I almost bled to death in the toilet.

I have had such severe sedation I couldn't retain information or remember anything and then I was followed around and mocked.

I witnessed what appeared to be medication of my son. I was told no one medicated my son, but I saw signs of medication and people lied to me. Not only was my son brainwashed and tortured, he was medicated and used for mind control.

I lived with people who all lied to me and then tried very hard to make it seem like I was "better" with meds.

I have been refused a lawyer.

I have had partial paralysis on one side of my face.

I have had blurred vision.

I have had severe nausea and disorientation.

My mind has been permanently altered with these medications. It is a fact that this is what occurs with that kind of thing.

I hate this country.

I hate the U.S. and I hate those who have lied and been corrupt and those who knew what was happening and didn't have the balls to tell me.

I want a lawyer to help me prove some of the atrocities that have occured and I want to leave.

I do not consider myself to be an American anymore.

Just like I said before.

This has not changed, and I am only thinking of the next bomb that I might drop for the public, and then think no, I'll save it for the attorney who signs up to take my cases and then they can use it for a decent settlement amount.

Which is why I'm not saying anything more about General James Cartright than what I already said.

I am the only person who has been willing to expose what is happening to my son and I am, and have been, his sole advocate.

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