Monday, January 24, 2011

Jewish? or Catholic? from D.C.? Technology While @ Holiday Express

I got some reactions, and some more torture for whatever reason.

I just took a photo that looks totally nuts and ridiculous. I have just been to the nuthouse.

And yet I still had people checking me out. I am not totally sure if they told me the truth about their names, but one woman in particular was checking me out, and I started having the burning stuff, and she was sort of observing.

Then this man came in and was looking over at her nervously when I decided to find out where she was from and who she was with.

She said her name was "Amanda Stewart" and that she was from Washington D.C., with Kaufman & Associates. She was about 5'6'' or more in high heel black boots. She had on a black coat or sweater. Brown trousers. Her hair was straight and dark brown.

Her interest was first of worry and I had a cold feeling, then I noticed she was very satisfied, as a woman would be who feels she has the victory.

She was in the lobby of the Holiday Express off of 10th and Broadway. There were 3 associates working at the front desk. 2 women and 1 man. This was between 4 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

I sat down and had no problem for a few minutes and then it started up.

Then I noticed a middle aged man came into the hotel and was fine until I talked to her and was asking questions and then they both looked over at each other and exchanged nervous glances.

She was sitting close to me, at a diagonal. There was another woman who joined her after I already had been here and started having problems. I asked the other woman where she was from and she said "Columbus, Ohio" but I didn't ask for her name as I didn't know that the other woman had even given me her correct name. She said they were here for some kind of apartment conference but talked about going to "another hotel".

I wouldn't mention any of this except that I am documenting who is around when this kind of thing is going on at the same time. After "Amanda" had left, I sat back down in the same area and there was none of the burning or technology. This doesn't mean the woman next to me, saying "alrighty", didn't change something she was doing.

The man who came in looked self-satisfied, like he'd won a victory against me as well. He was wearing glasses and came in with 2 other younger men close by and they were bad vibe men.

There was also a middle aged red-haired woman in a corner, watching me intently. A woman came to sit next to me and then another and the technology still continued but I was paying attention to who was interested in me at that moment, watching to see what I would do.

3 latina (predominantly) housekeepers walked by and then a maintenance man of some kind. These were the main people there when this was going on.

I suppose if she was really from D.C., I was somewhat disappointed to see how smug she and the other man appeared to be.

Something didn't square with what I was told too. I don't know why.

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