Monday, January 24, 2011

My Birth Certificate Stolen

I just realized that the U.S. Post Service, all readied for me with even a compact of fucking face powder, which was dabbed on my nose, KEPT my birth certificate.

I gave them my 2 forms of ID to be PHOTOCOPIED and I just realized that if they didn't give it back to me, it was just now heisted by an older man and woman who are staying at this hotel.

They sat next to me and "looked" normal. A conservative older couple. She sat next to me and then when I asked if they'd watch my bag for a minute and left it there, I came back to look for my birth certificate and it is NOT there.

Only 2 possibilities:

The U.S. post didn't give it back to me (and I sort of think they did maybe), OR
this man and woman who were just sitting next to me STOLE my only form of good ID from my bag while I was away for 5 minutes in a different room getting water.

The woman said to the man, "Why don't you sit over here" and he moved from his chair on one side of her to my chair, next to my bag. Then he got up and took me to the exercise room while she stayed put and then showed me the water fountain and then left me in the exercise room.

I got 2 cups of water and then walked back and the older man got UP from the chair and sat back on the other side of his wife. I said, "Do you need to use the computer?" and he said "NO."

So then why did he want to move from one side of her to the other side where he was closer to my bag?

I didn't leave my bag with anyone else long enough for this to happen.

It was either this man and woman or it was the U.S. Post.

And if it was this man or woman, they will be possibly be handing it over to the U.S. Post if they nice and want to simply confuse me about how and when it was taken.

I think they maybe took it because it came to my mind to check for it when I got back to my bag and he then moved to the other side for no reason.

Musical chairs for no reason is suspicious.

There was a man in the exercise room when I went in and he was smirking smugly as I got water. He knew the other man, the other man.

And my mother just sent me an email that had a headline "OOOOOOPS" and while it may sound strange, I think they knew.

It wasn't an "oooops" because she sent the email too quick. It was guessing that this is what I would be doing and saying next.

I fucking KNEW it when I even looked at her email. I KNEW something was up.

It was an email asking me not to go anywhere.

So now I have hardly any time to get to where I have to be.

I have to report this older couple or assume it's still with the Post Office.

I will be saying this was stolen and then it will turn up at the Post, where I will then be accused of false accusations.

It is intended to confuse me, one way or the other, and to KEEP my birth certificate from me.

This older couple looked like Anne, the visitation monitor, and Will Wagler's Dad.

So I learned my lesson in leaving my bag attended.

Give it back.

Turn it into the Post if you stole it or I will have to report this and have the cameras examined.

Now there is some asshole walking out with a large thing of water and he's a 5er. How the hell do I know? because they've been bees up the ass, that's how. They're not the good bees. They're troublemakers.

And now I'm getting bronchitis because of all the heating and over heating that's being done to me. It's the same bronchitis that my son and I got after being tortured in Wenatchee and then leaving for Canada.

People thought I was going to get a passport card.

What the HELL would I do with THAT?

Go to Mexico or Canada?


Like either one would be a good move.

That's why I said you can fucking keep the card and I'll take the overseas travel passport, thank you.

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