Thursday, February 10, 2011

Startups for Kids in Kindergarten

Here is the section which directs money to support even kids at the kindergarten level. I am not pushing for just kindergarten, but to make a post title that gets attention and alerts kids from K-12 and their parents about this:

From the Startups Fact Sheet:
"U.S. Chamber of Commerce Expands Programs for Young Entrepreneurs: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Campaign for Free Enterprise and the National Chamber Foundation will invest more than $1M in K-12, college, and post-graduate entrepreneurial education this year by forming new partnerships with Students in Free Enterprise and the Kairos Society and expanding existing partnerships with Junior Achievement and the Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour."

5 pots of money for kids (I'll add more as I go along and find more information. The first 2 organizations are forming new partnerships with the U.S. and 3&4 are getting more money and expansion. The 5th one is an organization with programs for students and training for parents and teachers):

1. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)

2. Junior Achievement
Page for Kindergarten-Elementary School Programs:

3. Extreme Entrepreneur Tour

4. The Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)

The Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) offers programs for middle school to high school students and training for parents, educators, and others who would like to share information with young entrepreneurs; they are holding free online seminars for anyone who wants to register.

This is the information I've indentified, so far, that is not just for high school or college age students but also for kindergarten, elementary, and/or middle school kids. At some point I might expand on what each of the these organizations focus on and how kids can be involved in them, or supported by them.

Right now, I'm just breaking down the basics for others who might want to learn more.

I wrote to all the above organizations and asked for more information about their programs. Kairo sounds great and it's international but they said they are for college only so I will take them off of the list here. :)

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