Thursday, February 10, 2011

Upcoming Seminars for Startup America

This is just to highlight the fact that more information and seminars are coming up which explore how to access this new capital (money).

For example, in March (just a couple of week away):

"Treasury Dept. Convenes Small Business and Entrepreneurs Access to Capital Conference:

The Treasury Department will host a March 2011 conference to explore access to capital for small businesses."

If you read the Fact Sheet, it mentions that more information is coming up, even in February, for conferences and seminars that will show adults and college students how to access monies.

Some of the money is "public" and some of it is coming from "private" groups.

The link to the private partnerships that have formed an alliance is below:

I would probably check with the White House site for information on "the initiative" and then this other site for information on the "partnerships".

They are 2 separate things:

The Startup America Initiative is the combination of all information and programs coming from private and public monies and it overarches the additional private groups and partnerships.

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